During the 'first round,' you were each limited to 'one action,' a nebulous term that caused some confusion. Ruski thought it meant on initiative pass worth of actions, while Ingo and Bull followed more with my idea that it was a little movement and one action.
Yogi, I took your one action as readying the weapon, and pushed the perception check into the first round, like I was planning with the rest of Sly's sprint. But then you posted an attack, which is what caused my confusion.
In the future, I'll try and stick to the typical rules instead of mashing up like I would at the table. Sorry for the confusion.
Rastire was always going to die at the start of combat. I rolled, to be fair, and it ended up being a 15dv with four successes versus a girl with almost no armor and a very low body. This was just using a shock-and-awe tactic, timing the power hit with the entry of the drone. The real group will be here in a couple rounds.

Again, sorry for the confusion. If you have other questions, let me know.