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Author Topic: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf  (Read 30298 times)


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Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« on: May 11, 2012, 05:53:37 PM »

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
- Thomas Alva Edison

There’s nothing so jarring as getting a call from a number that you don’t recognize. The stream of numerics could be anyone- a bill collector, a friend with a new burner, an enemy looking to pin you down.

You stare at the screen, and the odd hopping antelope, for a moment before asking. There’s a woman’s voice, and her image, a young black woman with piercings. She’s young- couldn’t be more than eighteen, with a good guess that she’s younger.

“Ag man, oi, bokkie, my name is Rastire, but my mates call me Springbok.” She pauses for a moment, watching you, as though that should be significant.

Aweh, I heard you was a bergie who could use work, and I’m looking for protection for a few nights until I can push on ta’ Seattle.”

Seems that despite her youth and relatively odd accent, this is a business call. Well, not every young girl that calls can be trying to put herself through geisha school.

"If you at all interested, meet me 'ere. Befok? Aweh, and sooner would be betta' than later."

Quote from: DM Stuff
Okay, go ahead and post where you would be at 9pm in a friday. Feel free to make up whatever details you like, but I need to know where you are, and what arms/armor you're currently wearing. Default is your place, and default location is UCAS sector near the Aurora Warrens.

The location is a McHughs right near the border between the CAS sector and the PCC. Border crossings should be pretty open this time of night, it won't take long to get there.

EDIT: Fixed music link URL - Ingo
« Last Edit: May 12, 2012, 04:31:48 PM by Ingo Monk »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2012, 06:58:59 PM »

"Goddamit Doc what have you gotten me into now?", his thought as he hung up the comm call.  Leaving his apartment stoop heading to his bike.  Putting the cigar back in his jacket as he was about to light.  Fixing his helmet on his head as he selects to call one of his saved numbers. 
"Hey, Joe not going to be in next couple of days tell Mark I am sorry and let Jodi know if you don't mind."
Hanging up the commlink and moving off to McHughs.

Kinsey was at home in CAS on his way to some freelance bouncer work.


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2012, 07:20:34 AM »

Sylvester finished switching his van from Fuel-Cell, into its ‘full electric’ standby mode. The heater didn’t work quite as well, and it would take forever for his electronics to recharge, but seeing as how his grid-guide account number contained letters from an unknown alphabet, and something that he could only describe as a character that looked like a cave-painting of a man hunting a buffalo with a spear, he couldn’t really complain.  Not when the fuel prices at a mile up were more than his budget could handle.  A hacked free grid-guide power hookup would keep him alive, if not comfortable, and with his current budget constraints, free and alive were about all he could manage.
His underpass of choice was located in the warrens beneath an unused PPC interchange.  Well, mostly unused.  The occasional smuggler or land train seemed to make its way through; but his single van with a low heat signature that wasn’t moving seemed to provide too little entertainment for the local law to chase and pay attention to.
Sylvester checked his watch. It was 2100 hours local time. Almost time to rub some more super-glue and disinfectants into the cuts on his arm. Devil rats were always more trouble than they were worth. And no health care meant that in addition to sewing up his own uniform, he had to treat his own wounds as well.
As his phone rings Sylvester takes a slow deep breath in an attempt to remove the overtures of fatigue from his voice before answering.
”Sly’s Devils, Paranormal Critter Relocation and Extermination,  Sylvester speaking, How may I help you?”
he listens to the woman give her brief explination.
”Okay Ms. Rastire, an ASAP meeting at a local McHughs. I can be there in 15-20, is that acceptable? Just let me clarify that this is more along the lines of bodyguard work and less ‘Pixy relocation’ or the like? No, No; it’s fine. I do both. I just want to be prepared for what I’m getting into is all. Yes, Of course. I’ll be right there madam.”

Hanging up the phone Sylvester looks at his arm. It probably wasn’t infected anyways. Skipping the second round of disinfectants to go straight to super-gluing the cuts shut would save a bit of time. He did have an extra clean uniform ready to go; and he could patch the torn suit later. Hopefully the McHughs had some sort of coffee to go with their world renound security system. Didn’t they brag about their neuro-stun setup and on-site physical security? He was definitely going to need to go in with his gas-mask.

Sylvester looked over to his laser rifle charging in its rack.
Protective work. He was going to need more than a gas mask to do that.

Sylvester started the process to switch off-of the grid-guide and back over to the fuel cell. Driving on grid-guide in this area wasn’t going to get him anywhere.

Pulling on a new suit over the freshly glued wound hurt a little, but the movement seemed to get his blood flowing and some of the day’s fatigue faded away.
He needed a story. Pest elimination? Bribery? He didn’t have much in the way of liquid assets. There was that bottle of roach-killer he had in the back for the odd client who wanted their wendigos and termites dealt with in one fell swoop. 
Well: go big, or go home. Full Regalia! Body armor, helmet, gas-mask, laser rifle, … he would even take the stupid sword. A bottle of roach killer under one arm, and a hard copy workorder in the other. If he couldn’t BS his way in the back door and around the chemical/weapon scanners, he would have to work out something else. But for what it was worth, he did have a McHughs contract back in Seattle; the jargon would be similar enough to work here… he hoped…
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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2012, 10:02:33 PM »

Your commlink buzzes a second time- it's a file transfer, a quick one, but it's a low-level McHughs employee-linked SIN.

The name is an obvious fake, the hometown nonexistent, and the biometrics are nothing like you, aside from basic metatype information. The connected picture looks like it was taken from a commcall- which it probably was; in fact, the call you just had.

...this fake SIN may not hold up to intense scrutiny.

But it will get you in the front door with whatever weapons you want to carry, and it looks like even your food is comped.
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2012, 10:25:04 PM »

"Oh good lord this is ridiculous but okay you bunch of nuts we will try it your way."  Kinsey pulls over and looks at this horrible thing.  Getting off his bike he pulls the backup commlink from his seat compartment.  If he going to get busted he would like to keep his best ID and permits hidden.  Most of the border patrols just search the person not the vehicle.  Uploading this piece of drek identity on the backup commlink and his normal commlink in the compartment.  "I so need another commlink for hopping through checkpoints."   Making sure his original commlink is actually off and not broadcasting.  Securing the compartment he climbs back onto the bike.

Ingo Monk

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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2012, 10:34:48 PM »

Quote from: OOC
Sorry, too busy this weekend!  Starting from the first post...

After hanging up the call, Eric seems a bit bewildered.  "What language was that?" He plays back his recording of the call, just to be sure he fully understands what the young woman was saying.  He shrugs, then sends the recording to a subsystem to be analyzed and translated.

He plops down into the pilot's seat, starting the engine systems of the RV.  Over his AR display he pulls up a map of the location, then plots a course.  He activates the occupied drone rack on the roof of the RV, and launches his recon drone once the vehicle is up to speed.  The drone flies off with instructions to monitor the meet location and it's surroundings while flying high enough so that doesn't attract undue attention to itself. 

While the RV drives along, Eric opens a new console to see if he can find anything on the 'trix about this strange woman. 
Data Search for any info about the caller and McHughs
Data Search Pool is 14 (Logic 7 + Data Search 5 + Codeslinger: Data Search +2)
14d6.hits(5) → [1,1,4,1,3,5,5,4,6,4,6,6,1,4] = (5)

After receiving the SIN he balks at the picture.  He quickly finds a picture of himself within the last couple of years to replace the picture.
Edit action to change out the picture
Edit pool is 11 (Computer skill 5 + Edit program 6)
11d6.hits(5) → [4,3,5,4,2,3,2,1,6,5,5] = (4)

Once finished he stores the file away as he shouldn't need it to cross the border, and the RV is registered to him anyway.  No need to attract undue attention.


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2012, 07:52:37 PM »

Sylvester lights up at the addition of an employee ID, even a crappy one.
"Thank you Ms., you just made a halfway decent cover nearly foolproof!"

Sly drives to the monolithic 'M' declaring to everyone that this is the place for low quality soy in sickening quantities, and overboard security.

Parking the van at the far edge of the parking lot; away from the restaurant proper Sly will gear up, and do a perimeter sweep of the building, pest-aside in one hand, and a clipboard containing a work-order in the other.
Circling the building he will collect the rat traps, noting which ones are empty (none of them) and which ones are full. By the time he gets to the employee entrance in the back of the building (on his second loop) he will have the following load-out:
Laser Rifle: slung on his back.
Sword: Right hip.
Shock-Gloves (worn)
Pistol-Crossbow: Concealed, Right wrist.
Pesticide: left hand.
Work-Order: Carried ad-hoc in the Left armpit. (Or clipped to a caribeaner if this proves too unwieldy)
Eight ( 8 ) used rat-traps (Right hand)
Burner Com-link with fake employee ID, Clipped to right breast pocket.
Gas-Mask: Worn at the low ready around his neck.
Helmet: On. Visor up.

Loaded out as such, he will knock on the employee door, if it doesn't open automatically at his approach. (He may have to kick it with a foot due to overloaded arms).
Once inside he'll wander around the work area until he can find a manager to put some sort of initials on his paperwork. If He/She hesitates in the slightest he will start setting traps filled with dead rats onto every nearby surface until he has a free hand to look for a pen, additional paperwork, or whatever additional ID the manager requests.

Most importantly: during this time spent wandering he will get a layout of the store and the workers general placement therein. A full 360'. He will be paying special attention to: Exits, hazards, hiding spots, and approaches to the building.

After getting a signature on his work-order he will go empty the rat-traps and replace them 'ready to go' on the perimeter outside. Making a final circuit of the building, before going inside; briefly speaking the the building security guard, and ordering a black coffee.

That's the plan anyways; Let's see how it works out.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 07:56:39 PM by Ruski »
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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2012, 09:37:43 PM »

Another sales vid for coffin nails. Who needs to pay to smoke? Just go to your local dire rat infested bar and have a couple beers. You'll get more than enough smoke to calm your addiction. Of course, that assumes you can stomach the beer enough to stay that long. I'm half way into my first and I'm not sure that my stomach will be able to hold down this partially recycled dog urine. I wish I was home. Uncle Cleatis makes beer that you can actually call beer and not feel ashamed for lying to your mama. Oh, and I don't smoke. It's almost 21:00 hours so I've got to figure out how to keep my stomach calm for the next few hours so I can keep my eyes on these guys in the corner. I'm betting they're the block reps for the local gangers. I need to know more about these guys if I'm gonna be in the (bbzzzz bbzzzz)....neighborhood for a while?

"Greetings. How may I assist you?"

Springbok? (Underworld knowledge test? Don't know how to do all the cool stuff so I'll just enter the stuff w/ the roll # to allow reference. If I'm wrong just let me know what it should be:
Invisible Castle: Galbraith roll #3521144
Underworld knowledge (2) + Logic (5) = 7 dice
7d6.hits(3) [2,3,6,2,5,2,6] = (3)

"Yes, Ma'am, I'll be happy to meet with you and discuss business. It's across the border so it may take as much as 45 minutes to get there. Don't worry, I'll do everything I can to shorten that. Hopefully I'll see you in 30. Thank you for calling. 'Bye."

Before I actually walk into anything do I know anything? Have I heard of her? Friends? Enemies? Is she wanted? Is there a bounty worth more than what she might offer to protect her for a couple days?

Square my tab and head back to the apartment. Gear up.
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit w/ helmet (B6/I8)
covered by an Armored Jacket (B8/I6)
quick-draw holster for the Ares Predator IV on the right thigh
extra mags on belt
Gas Mask in its case on the left hip
Metal Restraints on back of belt
all the other combat gear (weapons, ammo, security gear) and a few days clothes staged in a duffle bag (w/shoulder straps) which gets put on like an oversized backpack. The sword handle and stock butt of the shotgun are in quick reach @ the top of the bag. Once across the border the sword will be slung over his left shoulder more or less under the bag to limit casual observation, but still allowing quick reach.

Activate "Chet Manly-security consultant" ID (lvl 4 fake SIN & license) & head for the border.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 11:13:34 AM by Kid_Vid »


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2012, 01:41:44 AM »

Thinking better of his actions Kinsey puts his regular SIN on his primary commlink.  Leaving the other two spares in his secondary commlink in the storage under his seat.  Starting up his bike he goes to the closest crossing to the territory he is going to.  Kinsey hands over the SIN and waits. "Hello officer here you go.  My purpose for crossing I am just wanting to go see what the club scene has to offer.  Variety is the spice of life right?  Not really expecting an answer since these guys are all business now that Ghostwalker is in charge.

OOC:The roll for me is Rating + Charisma (4+3=7) Die Roll:4,1,4,2,2,6,4= 5 successes (I believe)

Nodding his head as he is waved through the checkpoint.  He quickly gets down the road and keeps moving.  He approaches McHughs but passes it by and circles the block just to assess the situation.  Consulting his commlink for a good place to park within a block of the location he sets up his vehicle.  Grabbing what little gear is in storage he transfers and loads up the alternate ID to get in the place. Now just the vehicle will get stolen.

Walking casually to the location though taking in the sites and making notes of them in his commlink.  Sometimes the best way to bodyguard someone was to keep them out in the public eye and othertimes well hidden.  Having a couple of places to duck into to see if you are being followed is useful as well.  Seeing the location ahead he double checks everything mentally in his head on equipment.


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2012, 03:02:32 AM »

Call no man happy till he is dead.
- Aeschylus
Mood Music

Quote from: GM Stuff
Ingomonk/Eric Dubois
Eric's search only takes a second to come up with the answer; the girl was speaking 'funakalo,' a slang used in South Africa. It contains a mixture of Afrikaans, English, Dutch, German, and African languages.

Using this, in conjunction with the other information that the girl had given him, Dubois set up a search while he got going. The Aurora Warrens weren't a nice place, and having an armored vehicle stood out here less than it did other places. One of the benefits of being a place that no one wanted to look.
Another benefit was that so many residents of the Warrens set commlinks to private or even 'closed' that it was a virtual dead space. A valuable thing, if a decker needed to disappear off the grid for a few hours to lay low.

The search on McHugh's turns up the usual: the corporation has a proud history; founded in the then-USA, it went on to enjoy global dominance and success. Early corporate wars caught the behemoth off-guard, and its divisions were gobbled up by megacorps.  Naming rights were heavily contested, and now a string of very similar franchises with almost identical names exist.

“McHughs” distinguishes itself by having perfectly prepared foods, a family-friendly environment, and heavy security. Friendly and professional security guards patrol the buildings at all times, carrying both lethal and less-than-lethal armaments to deal with threats. In event of a situation that the on-site guards unable to deal with, automated defenses deploy NeruoStun VIII gas, which painlessly renders guests and intruders unconscious while corporate security is deployed to the site.

In addition to security know for their friendly demeanor and professional crisis-management skills, the restaurant also houses state-of the art security scanners.

A punch-code box like this blocks every locked door- not only does it require a RFID tag and ping on the commlink of the manager on duty, but the thumbprint scanner also reads heartbeat, rate, and even perspiration; meaning that if the employee is under any duress, security will be alerted, footage downloaded to multiple archives, and the usage flagged.

The atmosphere at McHughs is brightly colored and stifling- everything is perfectly antiseptically clean, either wiped down with toxic chemicals by a minimum-wage-slave or sprayed with a puff of aerosolized antibacterial by floor drones. Depending on the area and the views, the building was either plascrete or tinted bulletproof glass.

Food is prepared by automated drones that activate only when food is ordered, using a low-tech wired system to prevent hacking. The menu is simple, variations on a theme, with soy and krill burgers, a variety of fake toppings made with realistic flavors. The BIGASS fries actually contain enough potato to be considered a vegetable, and most people enjoy their personal preference in soykaf flavors. The pièce de résistance is the sundae ordering menu, which brags 13 flavors (not including the meat or egg from the main menu), and over a hundred and fifty combinations.

The first border crossing is a pain- there's always a line to cross into the CAS- because the CAS has the hub, and if you need to be anywhere important, it's the Hub.

Quote from: GM Stuff
Rolling for Ingo's border crossing(s):
5d6.hits(5) → [3,1,4,3,6] = (1)

5d6.hits(5) → [2,3,5,4,3] = (1)
After the guard gives the armored vehicle an odd look, he waves the car through. One down, one to go.

Cutting straight across the CAS sector is easy- although traffic slows again around University of Denver, since it's friday night and a million parties are all happening at the same time trying to cause the largest number of alcohol poisonings.

Before long, you’re at the PCC border, and a bored ZDF guard waves you through as soon as you stop at the inspection line. Easy enough.

Dubois looks through the results for Ms. Rastire; although she appears to be a talented hacker, she is reckless and inexperienced.

Rastire isn't an alias; her name is Shayma Rastire.

Born, 14th Jan 2056; Tygerberg Hospital, Capetown.

Father, unknown; Mother, data-entry wageslave for Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vaal.

Rastire is a social girl, friendly and excelled at matrix education that was offered to her; multiple offenses in school for digital malfeasance, which they call anything worth doing in the matrix.

Her handle, Springbok, tells you much more about her.

She's pro-anarchy, and anti-corporate, common enough for someone raised in the corporate protection racket. She had high marks in math and linguistics, meaning she'll be a decent codeslinger if she can live long enough to learn the trade.

She left Capetown after some sort of trouble- she never says directly, and the Corp doesn't have anything posted. She hopped a smuggler jet to Egypt, from there to Italy, where she did some datasteals to pay for her flight to London.

She’s been bragging that she "lives off the grid like her da' now" and making her way toward the Emerald City. A search references Oz, but that's not a place you've ever heard of. She doesn't stay anyplace long- find a low-paying job, something easy, then moving on. London, Greenland; and then into the UCAS via Bridgeport, Conneticut. She got stuck there... hitch-hiked into New York, where she found a decent fixer and got a big job, something to pay for her flight to the Treaty City.

She's new to Denver- been here six days.
She was trolling the Nexus looking for work, and an altercation with an Admin got her banned for a couple days.

She eventually got a job from GoblinCUM, a data broker who was looking for someone to hit a specific target. That's the end of her datatrail- whatever this is, it must be related to that.

Quote from: GM Stuff
Ruskiface/Sylvester Dante
Sly's life is much less glamorous. Despite the fact that he had the furthest distance to travel, he didn't have to slow down or stop for any border crossings, and so he's able to make good time to the McHugh's. Luckily, the layout was the same for all of them, and his in-depth knowledge of rats this place attracts makes him a welcome addition.

McHughs uses low-profile rat traps, the kind that weren't really visible from far away, and had odor-blockers and white noise generators, assuming that no devil-rat clawed its way through the plasteel. Several of the traps are worse for wear, but enough are occupied that you have hands full as you enter. Unfortunately, this is one of the poor-neighborhood models, no bulletproof acrylic. It's also a smaller, older, building, built with a single entrance and exit. There's not even an addition entrance for the manager's office, which makes life difficult when it comes to escape or covert entrance.

Walking up to the door with filled traps- that's a guarantee that no one wants to keep you standing around. The manager doesn't even check the paperwork, merely notes the rat cages and then signs. He gives a half-hearted "Kwakwhay," before heading toward the bathroom.

The guards ignore you- not only are the rat traps empty, but you're broadcasting an Employee SIN, and they have no reason to question that. The layout of the place is well-known, with this location built out of cheery plastcrete painted oranges and yellows. The main entrance has a built-in MAD and ARO scanner that pings the PAN of anyone approaching and forwards that information to the gate guard.

The bathrooms are standard fare, and the only other rooms are the storage room, where employees stock the per-processed 'food' that gets nuked on its conveyor belt to the waiting tastebuds of grateful customers. Why wouldn't they be grateful, with a greasy and salty BIGASS fries to keep them happy?

There's a girl with her feet against the wall, playing World of Shadowcraft. Her runner, 'Damien Daisyeater69,' is currently scaling a fictional building that resembles the real-life the Renracu Arcology, although it's important to note that this fictional building is legally distinct, and therefore safe from lawsuit from Renracu. She’s not Rastire, though.

Rastire is sitting near the back corner, reading datafeeds and sipping a soykaf while ignoring the mound of wrappers sitting at her table. Drones keep approaching the table, only to be waved away by her. She looks nervous, jittery, and in need of help. As though a sixteen-year old girl 15,000km from home wouldn’t be jittery, scared, or need your help.

Quote from: GM Stuff
BulletSponge/Damien Galbraith
It's not always easy to infiltrate a gang bar- sometimes you have to bribe the right people, sometimes you just have to hate the same enemies. Usually, it costs you nuyen and teeth.

Sometimes, you get lucky. That's how Galbraith felt- lucky.
Gabriel Morrison, former sergeant and buddy, can't talk to you because you're no longer on the corporate payroll. He can't help out when you have bills due, not when rent is due, not when Vinny is asking when he's going to get his 4,500¥.

No, Morrison tells you that in order for you to be listed as a 'valuable asset,' the kind he can pass along important information to, like the stuff that will keep you alive, you have to come up with money, information, drugs, weapons, or criminal networks worth at least 5,000¥ to the corporation. How's that for a gas?

That's why you're in this dive- trying to feel out Los Diablos, a gang that came with Aztech and didn't leave when Ghostwalker kicked the country and corporation out. Rumor is, they're running coyote under the newly minted CAS section, smuggling drugs, chips, guns, organs, flesh, and whatever else they can get their hands on, just to prove that they run the tunnels down there.

It's a mighty inconvenient time for your commlink to buzz, but is there ever a bad time for someone to call up and offer you a job? I think not.

Walking out of a place like that is as dangerous as walking in, so you have to wait a few minutes for something distracting to happen- in this case, one of the kids trying to prove himself takes a flaming shot of tequila that gets out of control; and you make a retreat to your Suzuki parked nearby.

The trip to your doss costs you precious minutes as well, but it's worth it- who knows what sort of situation you're walking into.

Loading up with weapons, armor, and a go-bag just seems like good sense. Hard to believe you were training for the Olympics at one point. The picture your grandmother took hangs on the wall, a grim reminder of the path that life has taken you.
Punching up 'Chet Manly' on your Commlink is second nature- no need to tarnish your sterling reputation with something like petty crime. You're so used to the name that you've started sometimes thinking of yourself as 'Chet.'

Rolling through the border crossing armed to the teeth isn't usually a good idea, but with your permits attached to your fake SIN, and your high-level cover identity, you should be able to breeze through the ZDF cronies without a worry. That doesn't stop a bead of sweat from running down your face, inside your helmet.
Quote from: GM Stuff
BulletSponge's border crossing:
Cha 2 + Ettiquette 3 + Fake SIN 4 = 9
9d6.hits(5) → [4,2,6,5,3,5,4,4,2] = (3)
After a few tense seconds, the ZDF guard waves you through, not even glancing at your weapons.

Surfing the Matrix AROs while driving isn't always a good idea, but you set the pilot system on your bike to take you to the McHughs, and check out what data you can while you're riding.

Denver maps run from 50¥ to 300¥, depending on how much you want to spend, and how much information you really need. There are two hospitals nearby, one in the PCC and one on the CAS side. There's also a clinic on the CAS side that does cash; meaning they'll stitch you up if you can pay, no questions asked.

There's a police station right on the CAS side, local to keep the unruly University of Denver kids in line, but they can't cross into PCC territory. The closest PCC station is about ten minutes north, or twenty minutes south. Depending on where a patrol car is, they could be on scene in five to ten minutes. The McHughs is on the edge of Lakewood, where foreclosures and abandoned homes have led to a less than desirable element moving in. That might affect the response time, there's no way of knowing for sure until you're more familiar with cops in the area.

The big unknown is who is hiring you- you're not familiar with anyone named Rastire, or a hacker named Springbok, and it's your job to keep up on local stuff like this. Denver is a big place, and it has a lot of splintered factions and a lot of people, but it's a fair bet she's not from around here, or you would have heard of her.

As you pull up, you watch the building and traffic, looking for problems.

The place is one of the older buildings. One entrance, no additional exits. Plascrete- a mixture of plastic and concrete that would make a solid barrier; it also wasn't exposed like those glass buildings- where the enemies could watch you on display as you ran for the exit. There's a small parking lot, and no joined buildings, so while you'll be limited on exits, you can worry about the approach vector a little less.

The entrance faces south, with a parking lot wrapping around the building, and AROs demonstrating the healthy process of making McHughs food, and children laughing and playing in safety. There's even a hot sino girl dressed up as a mascot.

Watching the buildings around you, there's only one real sniper point- there's a ten-story apartment building to the east, but it doesn't have a good view on the entrance. It's possible an observer could watch from there, but they wouldn't be able to see who got into a vehicle, if you were careful.

The staff at McHughs is professional, well-paid, and well-trained; among the PCC, they're probably former military or maybe even your Lonestar brethren.  They're armed with pistols, nothing impressive, but they have Defiance EX-Shockers to deal with customers that can't be talked down, stun batons to deal with those who don't go down easy, and at the first sign of trouble, the doors lock down and the entire place is flooded with Neurostun VIII. Neurostun-8 is an odorless, colorless, tasteless gas. It doesn't knock out instantly, but it's quick-acting enough that it'll put down even a riot quickly in a controlled environment. If you could get a hacker to stop the Neurostun, you'd still have to deal with the lockdown, and the guards with stunguns.

And, if you're lucky enough to survive dealing with that, the security system that flagged you when you walked in the door has already called for backup, corporate security who fly in on a HTR-equipped T-bird and shoot anything moving with rubber bullets until it stops.

McHughs the perfect meeting place- it's so completely over-safe that no one in their right mind would dream of taking it over.

Quote from: GM Stuff
The city is restless.

It's a friday night- Mark is going to be pissed that he didn't have his best bouncer on staff tonight. Joe tended bar at the Crazy Horse, and was a friend. Joe was the kind of guy who understood that he needed to watch your back, and when he came up with something good, you could make it worth his while. Not a friend, really, but a contact, someone you could trust to cover your back. If it wasn't Joe coming up with a juicy rumor, it was Jodi. Bunraku, escort, stripper, private entertainer, exotic dancer; however you called it, the elven girl was a beauty. Heard a lot of information, too, and all too often could figure out who would pay the most.

Friday nights were the busiest night of the week. Saturday, you would have your locals tearing the place up, but on Fridays, the sari-men from the local offices, the new Denver arrivals, and those getting ready to leave- they came in to blow off steam- and they got mile high drunk. Apparently, if you're not used to it, being at this elevation can get you drunk faster than anything. Most people think they're above it, or that they've built up a tolerance, but it hits everyone.

That's why a fancy place will pay good money for a bouncer with a little mojo, in case things get rough. 'Be prepared,' like Doc said. Not a bad place to pick up a little trim, either.

Parking the bike a block away, you watch the traffic and move toward the McHughs. There is heavy traffic- this close to a border crossing, right across from the University, plenty of students were sneaking over to buy higher proof drugs, CalHots; or just trying to get into the university party of the weekend.

There is a large amount of drone traffic overhead. None of the other pedestrians seem to be worried about it, so that's probably a normal amount, but it actually feels like the sky above the street is crowded. Most everything is moving, cars controlled by gridguide nodes instead of relying on the archaic 'lights' system.

Quote from: GM Stuff
If you want to map or walk out individual stuff, that's fine. A google map search for the following address: 3996 East Evans Avenue, Denver, CO will get you the approximate surroundings and general neighborhood layout. I'm not going to make up six blocks worth of buildings in every direction.

I would really expect Kinsey to do Astral surveillance, or maybe just get a peek around the area. He is the only mage in the group, after all. 

EDIT - Tried to clean up the table structure a little in the post to remove the horizontal scroll bar.  More difficult than I thought :O

EDIT #2 - For best results limit image width to 625 pixels.  You can resize with [img width=625 ]<insert image url>[/img ]
« Last Edit: May 27, 2012, 05:04:03 PM by Ingo Monk »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2012, 04:41:28 AM »

"Great the damn university, now I got to worry about some damn student's magic project breaking free and being on the loose.  Looking about as he activated the sight.  Well, I am not paid by the hour here but might as well work early to keep myself alive at least.  No need to have something follow me home.  Kinsey remembers the stories Doc tell him about gremlins especially one named Roach.  Of course Roach was this annoying hacker that thought mages were like Karl Kombatmage.  He set up Doc's clinic with it's tech and systems.  Looking about the area with his sight active he takes in the immediate area.  Unless something pops out to him as out of the ordinary he isn't going to look too hard.  No, need to get fragged by some watcher or elemental who thinks I might interfere with it's task. Loading up the ID as he stops to cross the street.  Walking straight up to the door and nodding as he walks through and to the counter and orders a soda and sundae.  Just a regular hot fudge number.  Kicking the drone away from the girl he sits across from her.  "Yo, chica what's the what?"  Taking a spoonful of sundae and waiting to hear her out.

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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2012, 05:28:49 PM »

On the way to the destination Eric searches the 'trix for info about Springbok's handler "GoblinCUM."
Data Search for any info about GoblinCUM.
Data Search Pool is 14 (Logic 7 + Data Search 5 + Codeslinger: Data Search +2)
14d6.hits(5) → [5,1,3,1,6,5,5,2,3,2,3,2,4,1] = (4)

Eric arrives at the location and finds a spot nearby to park within view of the restaurant.  He commands the vehicle to passively monitor the area and report any police or criminal activity.  He also commands it to record anyone taking anything more than passive interest in the vehicle or the restaurant.

He commands his Kull drone above to do the same.

He installs a copy of the fake SIN into his disposable commlink, puts on his armored jacket, and puts his light pistol in the concealed holster beneath it.

Before he leaves the vehicle he takes a passive look at the restaurant's public node to gauge the difficulty of hacking in.

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2012, 01:32:12 PM »

Sylvester moves over to the local dumpster, double-tapping the ‘kill-switch’ on any rat boxes that still have movement inside them. Dumping the deceased contents into the dumpster he will reload the traps and replace them along the exterior of the building.

One entrance, One exit. The building represented a proverbial rat-trap its self, with the treasure inside, and no way out once you stepped inside and they closed the door.
Having just dumped so many dead rats into the rubbish bin makes him more than a little paranoid for entering the exact same setup himself.
Wait… that’s not quite right. There would be two additional possible exits once he got inside.
One: the roof.
Two: the sewer.
The sewer was probably too small for anyone over the age of 5 to get to through the pipes. He could look just to make sure though. The roof though… That idea was a better possibility.
They started restricting roof access to the inside of the building once they realized too many vandals were breaking into the building to steal lightbulbs or creatively re-spell McHughs. If you were willing to brave a tuck and roll single-story fall you could certainly exit the building that way. Better than nothing anyways.

Sylvester keeps two of the emptied traps, clipping them onto his harness as he moves back to the van to deposit the unused pesticide. Re-locking his vehicle he moves back into the building, searching out the manager… what was his name? Sylvester is trying to remember what the manager’s name-tag said before he ran off to the restroom.

“R-something”? “Rick? Roger? …Roberto? No. I think Roger.”

Genious! You’ve got his name written on the paperwork you just picked up.
Checking the paperwork Sylvester sees that the manager wrote ‘Billy’ on the ‘your name here:’ spot.
Real good smart guy. Yea, You’ll stay alive forever in a hostile environment with memory skills like that!

”Hey Billy? It’s me; the exterminator, Sory to bother you when you’re here in the restroom, but I need to get up to the roof to change the traps up there, can I borrow your keycard to open it up? The last couple of buildings I did had rats up there that hadn’t been changed in over a year. They got so full the rats started getting out and climbing in through the vents. One of them even bit through a N-S-8 line! I don’t have to tell you what kinda a mess that makes!”
Sylvester chuckles at his own joke, but more to cover his own embarrassment of talking to someone who is ‘making a duce’ with dropped trousers, breaking the longstanding social taboo of ‘no talkey-talkey when doing #2’,
”Look buddy, I’d wait for you to finish up, but I’m kinda nervous about heights, and if I don’t do it now, it’ll be another year before anyone looks up there… Kinda gotta psych myself up to just go and do it ya know?”
Sylvester shifts his weight from foot to foot, and half wonders if he should pee before going up to the roof? Forcing a cough to fill the awkward silence Sly waits a short eternity for a hand to hold a dongle-pass and it’s lanyard in the classic: ‘under the stall wall pass’.
”Thanks buddy, I’ll get it back to you super fast, is the roof access behind the counter? Yea? I thought so. ”

Sylvester exits the restroom and flags down one of the armed guards.
”Hey:.. looks down at nametag ..Roger? I gotta open up the roof access to go change some traps up there, You guys need to be there when I open it up right? It’ll just be a minute.”
Waving the aquired manager’s pass like a tiny flag Sly will take a few tentative steps toward the employee work area behind the counter hoping that Roger the security guard follows.
”I’ve already got Billy’s pass-lock-thingie.”
Sylvester drops his voice down an octave and quietly leans in to pass the next tidbit.
”He’s taking care of a number two… if you know what I mean?…”
Sylvester looks around to make sure that none of the happy customers heard that last exchange. People eating food don’t normally like to think about the employees and poop at the same time.

Accessing the roof is a lot of trouble. But knowing there’s an escape route, and actually walking it once are two completely different things. Walking it you learn where you’ll have to duck under too-low ductwork, where the door handles are, and what things you’ll have to step over to avoid tripping in a panicked escape. Maybe there were rat-traps up there? There should be if there wasn’t.
Sylvester will replace (or just place, if there’s nothing up there) the rat-traps on the roof and take a quick look-see as to which side of the building he would pick to jump off of if it really came down to it. Another decision that seems silly, but if you make it ahead of time; it could be the one decision that saves your life.

Returning back down to the dining room floor he will thank Roger for his help. (I knew someone was named Roger) and get the manager’s passcard back to him inside the restroom if he hasn’t made it out yet. Hey, you should work a salad in there once in a while buddy…””

Sylvester finishes up by ordering his coffee, and going to take off his gloves and wash his hands before retrieving the coffee from the serving droid and moving to take a seat at the table across from Ms. Rastire.
”Mr. Johnson I presume?”
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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2012, 06:43:01 PM »

A box with only 1 door for ingress/egress? Like an outhouse. Or a coffin. Either way it means if something goes down it's gonna' get real deep real quick. McHughs is well known for having security that actually gets the job done. The problem is that, like the cops and military, they blindly secure EVERYBODY. Even those of us who would help them. If you ain't one of them you only get 2 choices: innocent that needs protection or target to be controlled. If you pull a weapon to defend yourself you become the enemy. Of course, if you're willing to be patient and let them go first they make a solid front line.

Ok. Prep time. Drive past. Where's the best spot to cover the front door?  That corner. Where's the best spot to cover that corner? That building across the street. Ok, drive around the block and go back to that "abandoned" building (they are never abandoned, the most you can hope for is they will be discreet and only have small arms)covering that corner. I gotta set-up my Jiminey (a commlink so old it's due to come back in style any day now wired to a key chain laser pointer so when I send a text to the 'link it will activate the pointer....POOF instant "sniper" cover) in a window so it can cover that corner. Then come back and park on the side of McHughs. I want my bike near at hand, but not in front near the fatal funnel of fire....I mean the only door out.

Free food? Yeah, I'm gonna switch to this bogus ID. Cover story....on my way back from providing security for a district managers' meeting in Littleton.  Good enough to get in the door if they're not on alert. Make sure the sword is out of the bag and on my back with the bag over it. Ensure my quick-draw holster is strapped securely in place and the quick release thumb snap isn't stuck. Verify the stock of the Remy '90 is right at the top of the bag and nothing is in the way to snag it on the draw. Let's get this rodeo started.
Walk through the door, nod to the guard as he gives my gear a double look and double checks the ID. "Outrider security for a district managers' meeting in Littleton. It's a bit of a drive from Englewood, but the OT is always loved." Then I stroll to the counter. "Order to go, please. 3 Beast burgers, 2 BIGASS fries, and a Soykaf (Black) girl's been craving the fries so I better make sure I bring enough home. Thanks." Spend the wait time looking around measuring the patrons and searching out the Mr. Johnson.


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2012, 11:59:27 PM »

“Danger - if you meet it promptly and without flinching - you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!”

- Winston Churchill

Punk Rock
Springbok, or Rastire if you'd rather, is sitting with her back to the plascrete wall, watching the door and the security around it. The AROs for this corner of the McHughs have been disabled, and in their place her personal wallspace is a zen garden with a rippling water fountain made of... light.

Although the exterminator is wandering around the premises, Kinsey is the first to sit at the table.
Quote from: GM Stuff
The area around the border and the university was a high-traffic zone in every sense of the word. THere were teenage college students on foot, looking for the border crossing, or a good time to be had on either side of the border. Several drug dealers wandered the crowds, servicing those needs as well.

Many of these kids have drained auras- the dimness brought on by excessive drug use and addiction, rather than the darkness caused by metallic augmentation.

Through the astral above the ground, messenger spirits, watchers, they flit past at the speed of thought, delivering messages and bringing reports. There are a few steadier spirits toward the border crossing, but they seem more interested in the border traffic itself than any happenings on either side. They're largely ignoring you and the crowds around you.

As you sit down in the chair with your ice cream, a thought occurs to you; Why do they call it cream? It's made with soy and almond flavoring, nothing even approaching milk products taking part. It's closer to soy-yogurt than anything.

Springbok seems surprised as you confidently sit at the table, and in response to your question she asks: "Are you befok?"

Quote from: GM Stuff
Ingo/Eric Dubois
Checking on a contact's contact- seems like extra running around, but pushing it to a background process as you send commands to your drone means that the queue is ready before you've even turned your attention back to the window.

The first ARO link is... odd, to say the least.

The second most likely image is a databroker from Istanbul who deals in one-shots and short-term pairings, all with hackers; oddly enough, refuses to deal with technomancers, and always has a final meeting to pay up, in cash. Usually, the hacker will log in and say something beneficial on his profile on the lower-end datahavens in Denver.

Looks like this guy is actually a hobgoblin ork-variant from Istanbul, hence the name (although he's not actually a kreiger-strain that produces Goblins, since they would spit out cyberwear required to access the matrix he's probably safe).

Odd... most of those deckers seemed to go off-grid shortly thereafter. Either GoblinCUM is setting them up to take a fall, or he's geeking deckers and taking their commlinks to talk himself up. Either way, he's a scumbag. Not to mention that he re-sells hacked bunracu feeds, depriving those women of even a modest income.

Seems Springbok needs help after all.

The drone and vehicle settle into watcher mode, recording the drug dealer who's hiding from passing street traffic while selling BTLs to a crowd of willing elven girls- college girls, by the looks of them.

There are a couple of motorcycles circling the area. An EVO Falcon disappears down a nearby alleyway, and the human in a tailored greatcoat makes his way to the store, stopping to watch the riff-raff on his own and changing over to a FakeSIN that looks similar to the one sent to you before entereing McHughs.

After a few more passes, a military-looking fragger wearing a bucket of guns parks his bike down the street in front of a six-story abandoned building, hiking inside for a few minutes and setting up a sniper's perch before returning to his bike and parking in front of the store. Seems to know his security, lined up the sniper's position with the doorway, put his bike behind some cover in case things go badly.

Your drone notes a pest control van parked behind McHugh's, recharging off of gridguide and some minor movement on the roof- looks like some poor fragger is emptying rat traps or something.

McHugh's public node isn't anything to write home about. The place is crawling with physical security known for calm demeanor and politeness, and the digital presence is a reflection of that.

Buzz on the Tumblr-sphere is that it's a pretty decent system, made particularly fearless by the digital spider sitting in the web, to maintain discipline with the physical security, coordinate alarms and lockdowns, and to keep hackers like yourself out.

On top of that, McHughs is wired to the LTG to support the system in event of a wireless shutdown or jamming attempt- this place is a serious fortress for digital and physical security. You might even consider it as a bunker in case of a zombie apocalypse.
Quote from: GM Stuff
Nodes 1–4: Firewall 5, Response 2, Signal 2, System 4

Quote from: GM Stuff
Ruski / Sylvester Dante

Con the Manager:
Charisma (4) + Influence (3) + Previous experience (2) + SIN (2) + Pooing (1)
12d6.hits(5) → [3,1,3,3,3,5,4,4,4,4,5,1] = (2)

Attacking a man while he's pressed on other business is a time-honored negotiating tactic. It also works well in cons and blackmail; no time like the wife walking up the steps to the house to make your final pitch, remind him of everything he's about to lose. This tactic also works while the subject is on the toilet or otherwise indisposed and unwilling to hold long conversations.

Bill, the manager, isn't supposed to hand out his keycard. There's some sort of security feature built into it that makes him able to gas the entire resteraunt, for instance, and McHughs frowns on him giving that out to anyone who asks. But, seeing as he's in a stall and unwilling to talk to you, it's simple to remind him that while he's dropping drek in the greater Denver Metropolitan Sewer System, rats are chewing through the feed cables that make this food halfway palatable.

This makes his position all the more uncomfortable, and his situation that much more dire. Neither one was a good alternative, but Sly had already showed up with proper paperwork and done good work, as well as being an honest employee with a citizen SIN! It's not a tough call.

The security guard, Roger, takes Sly into the prep room, where the hum of machines pressurizing 'fako-cheaz' to the optimum consistency and temperature is sure to take your appetite away. The roof access is in this room, which is itself locked by a keypad and keycard reader. The roof hatch won't open without a manager's authorization, which you happily provide while holding the chit, and then check the roof and return to your business.

There's a man with a tailored greatcoat sitting with his back to the door as you approach the table that Miss Rastire is sitting at. Your opening "Mister Johnson, I presume?" gives a break to whatever awkward pause was happening in the conversation, and they both turn to regard you. Miss Rastire seems amused by your rat trap antics.

Quote from: GM Stuff
BulletSponge/Damien Galbraith

McHughs is the same as it's always been. The yellow AROs on the walls are meant to entertain kids and those with severe brain damage, flashy menus, happy clowns, and a sexy redheaded mascot meant to be iconic without being an infringement of any specifically held intellectual properties of other corporations. The result is a rather hyper-caffeinated syrup of generic imagery. And the public eats it up; to be honest, it makes the anarchist in you throw up a little bit to see these people herded like sheep.

The other benefit is that if someone doesn't blend in, they stand out. Take, for instance, the security guards. Whatever stimulants they're prescribed are working, because they're sharp eyed and steely-gazed as they look over your credentials and wave you through security. The computer has a fit at the contents of your bag, and the guard finally has to manually override the system to keep it from calling for backup. That makes you feel a little better.

There's usually a manager on duty, but he's nowhere to be seen.

There's a girl along the west wall, laying across two chairs with her feet in the middle of a happy clown Augmented Reality Object's face. The clown doesn't seem to appreciate the gesture, but lying that way in a skirt that short... it meant several things.

Focus, Chet Manly. Every McHughs had a similar structure, meaning that every floorplan had the same benefits, the same flaws. There wasn't any cover to be had aside from the preperation bay, where you ordered and recieved your flash-cooked foodstuffs. The tables were flimsy, the chairs barely more than plasteel enough to hold a 200kg troll woman; they were designed not to be useful as cover or as an improvised weapon in a fight. With no cover, the security officers (yes, there were six of them) had a line of fire to anyone in the room. It was safe like night-time in Singapore- you didn't have to worry about the 'bad guys' because almost any crime was punishable by death; conversely, you had to keep your nose so clean it hurt or risk that penalty yourself.

Miss Johnson is sitting on the southeast corner of the room, her back to a wall and two shady types already crowding the table in front of her. Security hasn't flagged them, which means they probably have a similar working SIN. There's a guy in armored coveralls wearing weapons and a gasmask- and a patch indicating that he's an exterminator for Sly's Paranormal Exterminations; the humor of that brings a smirk to your lips.

The other guy is wearing a tailored greatcoat- which is just stylish and armored enough to mean that he probably also knows what he's doing.

EDIT: Fixed link to youtube music video.  Apparently adding "http:// www. whatever. com/" makes the URL link become http://"http:// www. whatever. com/".
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 03:35:26 PM by Ingo Monk »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
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