Hey, don't knock the Deisgnated Driver! I get more time talking to the cute waitress than all of my friends combined!
On the other subject, I've recently tried three diets, and here's what I think of them:
Diets suck.

... oh, you thought I meant... okay, here you go;
Depressed/Miserable - I lost a lot of weight, (heehee! About 100 pounds, actually!

) but as soon as I started eating again, it was harder to stop. So I gained about as much as I lost.
Excersize - I then worked with my brother at a warehouse, which meant a much more active lifestyle (with lots of heavy lifting, good sweating, and lots and lots of water.) I actually gained weight, because as I lost fat, I gained muscle, but it equalled out and I slimmed down quite a bit. Once I got fired, as soon as the sweat had dried on my head, I started gaining weight again, because my appetite didn't decrease at all.
The "Frag It" Diet - This is my more recent (and most satisfying) diet. I said 'frag this, I don't have anyone to impress!" and started doing whatever I wanted. I'm naturally a very active person, so I started rock climbing again, went to the meach a bunch of times, planned a few more activities, and I just eat when I feel like it. (I usually eat pretty healthy, but I ALWAYS eat tasty.) I've lost weight, I'm doing okay, and I've actually been hit on repetedly by women.
I mean, I'm a nerd. I'm not used to that kind of attention.

I love my carbs. I'm not from South Beach, and I'm not interested in pretending like I am. I'm just a kid with a hearty appetite. (As my family loves to tease me about.)
I'll post some pictures or something soon.
-Kid Vid