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Author Topic: Christmas in Seattle.  (Read 64186 times)


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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2004, 09:45:20 AM »

Okay Takashi gets about two minutes out before his cellphone rings. the icon on the display is a familiar one. a stick figure rideing a bike, and running into a wall, falling down, getting up, getting on the bike, and then the image is looped. it's Raymond. contrary to popular belief, everyone dosn't love Raymond. Raymond is, for lack of a better word: special. he's the only guy at the office that wears a bike helmet while working on his computer; 'to help with crashes' however, he is possibly the only other person in the programming department working on a saturday night.
opening up your cellphone is a simple message. the spelling is awfull. he must have his hands covered in soy-too cheese powder again. if he didn't loose his cellphones so much, you would imagine that they would die from neglect.

Hy Takashi !! we finished the database qwweri code and need the upddatedd search allgorrithmm you were workn on to test out the knowsoft bot.

If you go back you will probibly be trapped there all night. you finished up the code he needs earlyer this week. but your boss wanted you to work on makeing it more 'interesting looking' so you've been working on non-functional revisions ever sence. bringing up the database this early though, over two months ahead of schedule would be a great acomplishment.
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2004, 10:59:45 AM »

*Climb over the snow, and knock on the door of #15*

"Hey Briggs! Freddy from the jazz club sent me to talk to you!"

*check the door to see if it's been kicked in recently*


the door is locked, and has quite a bit of snow piled infront of it. it apears to have been closed for quite some time. there is a light on next door however, and a sign reading 'Manager: if it ain't on fire, don't bother me about it.' hangs to the side of the door crookedly by one nail.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2004, 11:33:54 AM by Ruski »
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2004, 11:54:38 AM »

*knocks on the manager's door*

"Hey, I got fifty newyen here that's on fire! I could use some help!"

a female dwarf that must be pushing 80 opens the door and looks at you like only an 80 year old dwarf can. you have feel a sudden need to check to see if you washed behind your ears this morning, and you mentally ready a whole list of good reasons why you didn't eat your vegtables last night.
"hmm... i don't know you, so you don't have a room here, i don't smell smoke, so there's not going to be a fire, but i heard something about 50Y, and if you cough it up quick i'll stay to listen to whatever you want.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2004, 12:02:18 PM by Ruski »
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2004, 12:18:01 PM »

*pass her the 50Y note*

I was just wondering if you had seen the big ork kid next door named Briggs. A friend of mine and his is worried about him. There's more money in it for your if you know anything.

i know that his rent is due by the end of next week. he's pretty quiet, i haven't seen him arround for a couple of days. yesterday his parole officer came and woke me up to ask me the same question. boy was he rude. *she pauses* more money you say? well, seeing as how your a 'friend' of his i could let you into his appartment for another one of thease *waveing the 50Y note* other than that i don't think i can help ya'
« Last Edit: October 07, 2004, 12:21:54 PM by Ruski »
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2004, 04:45:29 PM »

*pull out my PDA accessory, open it up and give her a 100Y note*

If anyone else comes around asking, just tell them he went to his aunts for the weekend. Let's take a look in his apartment.

Did you say his parole officer was around here? He didn't happen to leave a card, did he?

Well, i do have his contact information. it's required of all my criminal tennants. incase they try to skip out on the rent or some such. let me get it for you.
*she turns arround, setting a shotgun you didn't notice before down and walking into a back room, several seconds later she emerges with a card bearing lone-star's distinctive logo and a key. *

here is his contact information, and the key should open the door.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2004, 07:14:38 AM by Ruski »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2004, 06:37:59 PM »

Takashi pulls over.  He tries to recall if he had any other plans tonight.  A moment passes and nothing comes to mind.  Takashi puts the car in gear and skids a 180.  "He better not have gotten that nasty soy cheese sauce all over my desk." he says under his breath as he heads back to the office.

You hear a sudden squeal of rubber sliding on frozen asphalt and look into your rear view mirror just in time to see the distinctive sway of headlights mergeing into the lane behind you. half a second skips by. suddenly the white light highbeams are joined by the heart renching flicker-flash of red, white, and blue.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2004, 07:19:00 AM by Ruski »

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2004, 04:35:24 PM »

*thank her, stick the contact card in my pda case, and go over to the door and open it with the key*

It takes a little bit of effort to clear away the snow from infront of the door but you eventually get it open. inside is a small apartment with extreamly limited decorations. (mostly posters to cover holes in the walls) he must not have been a very good drug dealer. the only nice thing in the entire studio apartment is the refridgerator, and it's empty. (although it does have an ice maker)
« Last Edit: October 09, 2004, 07:58:42 AM by Ruski »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
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Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2004, 06:18:48 PM »

"AH DAMMIT!!!"  Takasi yells as he pulls over.  "I wonder how many fraggin points this one is going to be..." he says under his breath as he puts the car into park and shuts the engine off.  He crosses his arms and frowns and hopes for some reason this guy knows him from somewhere. Maybe he won some money off of me at the Seattle race curcuit?

(OOC:  In case people were wondering, black text is description, BOLD blue text is me speaking, and normal blue text is me thinking)

The cop is an Orc female in her late 20's. license and registration please? (examining your paperwork)
"Did you see a 'bootlegger turns okay here' sign back there sir?" (chrisma check)/(pass) you get off with a warning.

pulling away you make it back to the office with only a minor headache pulsing at your temples. the guard at the gate waves you through. parking you take the elevator up to your office on the 14th floor. Hitomi isn't at her desk any more you glance arround tying to find her but perhaps she's just in the girl's room, or perhaps she decided to go home after you. makeing your way over to Raymond's cubicle you can hear Raymond talking in his archtypical neard falsetto to someone in his cubicle. waiting outside you hear the voice of Richard Killian, a department manager in the next department over, incharge of mathamatical computations.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2004, 08:15:04 AM by Ruski »

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2004, 05:18:25 PM »

*Look around the apartment for any clue of where he might be or why. A phone that I can check the log for, any messages, business cards, a note taped to the fridge or anything.*

The phone is an old rotery dial-phone. The fridge is empty, and the door is opened. there is a buisness card identical to the one you already have for his parole officer taped to the wall next to the phone. the back of the card has the number for your jazz club scrawled on the back.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2004, 09:26:49 PM by Ruski »
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2004, 12:21:55 AM »

I'll try dialing *69.

If nothing works, I'll call Ruski. This is getting expensive quick, but as long as it's for a friend, it's worth it. But I'd rather have this business done with and move on with my night.

the phone dosn't have a '*' button it's rotery dial. Calling up Ruski he says that he can get a phone record for the phone for $500 if you want it.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2004, 08:09:58 PM by Ruski »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2004, 01:04:05 AM »

Takashi steps into the adjacent cubicle quetly and waits a little while trying to eavesdrop.  Uncle Ichiro always seems know something about everyone.  He said to always pay attention to the little things.  I wonder if this was what he was talking about?  I wonder what Richard is talking to Raymond about anyway... and why the heck is Richard here this late in the first place?  He never was the kinda person to stay after hours before.  Takashi waits and plans to go get a cup of soykaf from the cafeteria if they don't seem to be saying anything interesting.  

you start paying closer attention and catch them mid-sentance, with Raymond leading the conversation.
"... why do you need a pre-release of the database query routene? your department dosn't even have anything to do with it."
"I just think that it would be better if the database came from a more honorable department, it would save face for the whole company if it came from a department head instead of the corperate laughingstock."
"I want that code on my desk in a half hour. i need to have some real programmers look at it before it's release."

at that point someone leaves, and a sigh that could only come from Raymond is heard from the cubicle next to you.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2004, 07:19:09 AM by Ruski »

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2004, 04:41:38 PM »

ok I continue walking to the pharmacy watching out for trouble *thinkg to self should have took the bus*

you reach the pharmacy, and there is a line to get to the pharmasist. he motions for you to take a number. it looks like it will be a couple of minutes.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2004, 08:12:32 PM by Ruski »
dicnary we dont need no stinking dictanary

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2004, 06:11:24 PM »

Takashi waits a moment to make sure that Richard is gone. He pauses in that moment, "Can Richard even do that?  That doesn't seem to be company policy"  (Corp. Etiquette roll?)  "Maybe I should go download the Mitsuhama Policy handbook.  In any case, I think Director Takamura might want to hear about this."

Takashi steps into Raymond's cubicle while his mind races over possible courses of action.  He speaks in a hushed tone in case Richard might still be around.  "Hey Ray, what was all that about?  

Raymond almost jumps out of his skin when you pop up. you see the soy-too oarnge powder handprint on the cubicle wall where he was braceing for impact. "oh, sory about that... whew... I uh... oh.. nothing... it's just that... eh... nah. well.... nah. ... anyways, the database is up, well, in beta anyways. so i thought i might try to put them together and make them run through a couple of querries...
(you get two sucesses on the corperate Etiquette roll: it isn't corperate policy dirrectly to have a more prestigous department present a big leap forward, but it does say that every presentation needs to be the most honerable way possible to the public so that the corperation dosn't look to have any infighting. you could report it, but it's a grey area.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2004, 08:27:33 PM by Ruski »

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #28 on: October 12, 2004, 12:31:34 AM »

Why didn't he say anything about it?  What is he hiding?  Should I say something?  Should I tell Takamura?  "Ray, I heard the last bit.  What does Killian want with our project?  Why didn't you tell me?  What are you hiding?"  Takashi pauses, realizing he was probably a bit harsh.  He sighs.. "Listen, sorry for the outburst, but what the heck is going on?"

Raymond spends some quality time looking at his shoes before answering "oh THAT... uh... i thought you were referring to ... something else... errr... uh... yea. well, Killian thinks i'm kind of a screw up, and he pointed out all of my demarits, because i forget to lock doors behind me, or change my security passcode every week like i'm suppose to, and he said it would be safer for the company if he kept the code on his servers, but i didn't want to, because i like working on this code, i won't get to go over there, because i was in that department once, and they transfered me out for too many demarits. the last one was for falling asleep in my cubicle, but they wouldn't listen, i fell asleep because i had been working for six days straight. *sigh* well i guess if they are going to get it, they may as well have a good working copy. At this point Raymond begins to back up a copy of the software onto his chip burner. Raymond looks at you while his chip is being inprinted. "well, in this department you are alwies nice to me." with that Raymond wipes his hand accrost his sweating forehead leaving a nice bright oarnge splash of color accrost his face.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2004, 07:25:03 AM by Ruski »

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #29 on: October 12, 2004, 10:29:07 AM »

*I'll send Ruski the money, and try and get the physical addresses of the places he called thrown in too*

(Negotiation Test?)

you negotate him down to 400Y, because of all the repeat buisness, and the next lead will only cost you 250Y.

the rotery dial phone has been disconected for quite some time. last person called from it was his parole officer at [address] the outside phone gets a little more use, he aparently had a calling card that he used from there last call was to ... his parole officer, about five days ago. however, that same calling card was used again more recently from the payphone infront of a stuffer shack about four blocks away.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2004, 11:32:09 AM by Ruski »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
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