Why didn't he say anything about it? What is he hiding? Should I say something? Should I tell Takamura? "Ray, I heard the last bit. What does Killian want with our project? Why didn't you tell me? What are you hiding?" Takashi pauses, realizing he was probably a bit harsh. He sighs.. "Listen, sorry for the outburst, but what the heck is going on?"
Raymond spends some quality time looking at his shoes before answering "oh THAT... uh... i thought you were referring to ... something else... errr... uh... yea. well, Killian thinks i'm kind of a screw up, and he pointed out all of my demarits, because i forget to lock doors behind me, or change my security passcode every week like i'm suppose to, and he said it would be safer for the company if he kept the code on his servers, but i didn't want to, because i like working on this code, i won't get to go over there, because i was in that department once, and they transfered me out for too many demarits. the last one was for falling asleep in my cubicle, but they wouldn't listen, i fell asleep because i had been working for six days straight. *sigh* well i guess if they are going to get it, they may as well have a good working copy. At this point Raymond begins to back up a copy of the software onto his chip burner. Raymond looks at you while his chip is being inprinted. "well, in this department you are alwies nice to me." with that Raymond wipes his hand accrost his sweating forehead leaving a nice bright oarnge splash of color accrost his face.