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Author Topic: Christmas in Seattle.  (Read 67154 times)

Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #255 on: February 01, 2005, 12:08:26 AM »

I'll take a few seconds to look around (Perception Test?).  

What about the security guys behind me?  What do they seem to be doing?


The security guards have some split attention at the moment. half of them are looking over the fence where there was the crash and the dog was barking, the other half are still messing with the naked guy who use to have a gun. it looks like you have a chance to be fast or sneakey here.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2005, 08:44:45 AM by Ruski »

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #256 on: February 01, 2005, 02:53:08 AM »

A stakeout? Do I look like a cop?

I say we lie and pretend that we're private detectives and we're searching for him for an inheritence that his great Aunt Debbie left him. Show his picture around, and don't give them time to doubt our story. Maybe we'll pick up a lead.
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #257 on: February 01, 2005, 07:13:44 AM »

I could put a spirt watching one of the places for them
dicnary we dont need no stinking dictanary


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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #258 on: February 01, 2005, 03:43:01 PM »

That could work. How smart are these spirits? Could they see a picture of him, and tell us if he goes there?
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
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3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
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Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #259 on: February 03, 2005, 12:36:08 AM »

Alrighty!  Faste break it is!  I'll take off my shoes and hold them in my hands though, dress shoes tend to make those distinct 'footstep' sounds.  Plus socked feet are really quiet!  ;D

a sharp shiver runs up your spine; you thought your feet were cold before, but you realy had no idea... it's been awhile sence you've ran through snow in stocking feet... you idly wonder how long it'll take before frost bite sets in, and how far back was that spa with the almost boiling water... oh well, you can think about how warm your feet will be once they are inside a supercharged hummvee. you jog in place for a little bit to get the 'feel' of running in snow (not to be suprised and accidently slip later) looking out accrost the street you have two choices of targets to sprint for... the house dirrectly accrost the way, or the street past that house... you hesatate only a second before makeing your final decision, and you hope that it's the right one.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2005, 11:03:34 AM by Ruski »

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Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #260 on: February 04, 2005, 06:34:51 PM »

Distance to target again?

You silently jump the fence leading into the front yard, carefully avoiding the area protected by the front yard motion detection system. you start to run. the blood is pumping in your veins, screaming in your ears. you force yourself to stair straight ahead, as if looking at the guards will cause them to look at you. you clear the front yard in three heartpounding sprinting leaps, you can't even feel your feet now. you have about 15 yards to go untilly ou reach the back yard of the house dirrectly infront of you, or you have about 95 yards to sprint faster than any track star to make it all the way accrost the street, down the street, accrost another street, and into the back yard on the side of the street you are suppose to be at.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2005, 10:40:34 AM by Ruski »

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #261 on: February 05, 2005, 02:16:50 AM »

I think a articale woul be better if possible being as there better at seeing someones arua but but we can try it tho
dicnary we dont need no stinking dictanary

Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #262 on: February 06, 2005, 12:41:17 AM »

All the way baby!  Let's go!

Your dark siloette is outlined in contrast to the street lights that illuminate the street and walkways as you run as fast as you can, holding your breath for as long as possible to eliminate the sound of labored breathing from the guards ears. as you pass the first house you start to see read arround the frindges of your vision. at that point you decide to try breathing. the icey air stabs into your lungs like tiny little daggers, and a headrush like nothing else is pounding in the back of your skull. without even risking a glance down the next street you sprint straight toward the backyard fence of the house dead ahead of you. it has a raught-iron fence that you jump half way up and clambor over the top of with only a sence of vertigo as your guide. landing noisily on the other side, you discover that this is the location that this particular homeowner keeps their trash bins. falling to a heap on the ground you stay down just long enough to throw up, before getting shakily to your feet and survaying the yard you are currently in. it's pretty much the same size as the other back yards you've been through today. it has a table with a built-in umbrella and a nice BBQ grille that are all slightly covered in snow. a brick wall thats about 8' high leads to the next yard. you can't quite see over it, and with that stich in your side you don't think you could jump it, but perhaps by jumping off of the BBQ you could get to the top and climb over.
you now only have three yards between you and the house you are going for. you are dreanched in sweat, and your clothes are starting to freeze. you can't feel your feet.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2005, 08:57:46 AM by Ruski »

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #263 on: February 08, 2005, 12:17:24 PM »

I'll take a sec to listen or notice anything around (Perception Test).

I'll put my shoes back on and try to make my puke pile look like some trash that fell out of one of the cans or something.

I'll look around for something to help me get over the fence, but if there's nothing else I'll just use the BBQ (I'll check to make sure it's sturdy enough first).  Continue to the target house.

It sounds like someone might be moveing arround inside the house who's yard you are currently inhabitateing, but you don't hear any guards calling after you... yet. as far as other ways to get over the wall, there is an ivy patch next to the house, you could pull up the slats that are there for the ivy to grow through and use it like a ladder... or the BBQ is made of stone, so it'll support your weight, it's just a short jump from there to the wall.. probibly an athletics 5 test to make... if you were to guage it's difficulty of use on a base six number system.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2005, 12:58:12 PM by Ruski »

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #264 on: February 09, 2005, 01:45:07 AM »

BBQ pit it is then.  Quietly now.. ;)


Okay, you dust the snow off of the portion of the BBQ grille that you are going to use to jump off of for secure footing, and take a couple of steps back, half a second later, after a few quick breaths you get a running start at the grille and use it to spring to the wall <Athletics test><One Sucess> you hit the wall with a grinding crunch, but manage to get one arm over.<strength test><sucess> you pull yourself to the top of the wall with only a little effort. at this point you notice something particular. this wall surrounds this back yard, and also the back yards of the next couple of houses. your heart sinks as you realise at first, that there is no good way to jump up and over this wall in the next yard, but then a moment of insite prompts you that if you were carefull, and the guards weren't looking, you could catwalk arround the top of this wall all the way to the house you are trying to get to.  or, the next yard seems to have some playground equipment, a slide and the like, you could move it arround to give yourself a boost, and continue backyard hopping. the top wall would be harder, and easyer for people to spot you, but it would save you jumping in and out of the next couple yards, or you could decide to not push your already tested luck, and keep with the current, safer, plan. as you are crouched gargoyle like on the wall the choice is yours.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2005, 09:35:02 AM by Ruski »

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Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #265 on: February 09, 2005, 03:00:27 PM »

I'll scan the yad real quick and double check for anything weird.  If nothing's wrong, I'll drop into this yard and move over towards the next wall and prepare to spring over.  Once I'm on top of the next wall I'll look into the next yard to see if there's something I can use to spring over the next wall.  If not, then I'll catwalk (or crawl) along to the next yard, checking for anything I can use the spring the wall.  Basically do it the safer way, but if there's nothing for me to use to climb over I won't drop into the yard and go along the top of the wall.

Remember, the whole time I'm gonna be looking around and keeping as quiet as possible.  Wouldn't want to wake up any of the nice neighbors. ;)

Okay, you drop down into the next yard just as you hear a sliding glass door open slowly behind you. the plastic playground equipment is pretty light, but it will only get you to where your arms are able to hit the top of the wall. you'll have to do some more pullups to get through this. you don't think it would support a running jump like the brick BBQ. you can't remember the last time you had to exersize so much. even in your self defence classes.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2005, 07:57:54 AM by Ruski »

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Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #266 on: February 10, 2005, 10:50:40 AM »

Wait, sliding glass from the yard I just left or from the one I just entered?

you franticly look arround... and... this sliding glass door is closed, and dark. there are curtans preventing you from seeing much of the interior of the house, but it's defenitly closed. must have been from behind you.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2005, 12:36:44 PM by Ruski »

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #267 on: February 10, 2005, 03:10:58 PM »

I'll take a sec to listen to the other yard, maybe they're just letting their dog out too do his business?

If nothing sounds out of the ordinary I'll continue onwards.  But this time I'll try to not make so much noise going over the wall.

Actually, it sounds more like someone is trying to sneak arround while walking in snow. you know that sound very well.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2005, 03:20:06 PM by Ruski »

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #268 on: February 11, 2005, 12:06:15 AM »

Someone sneaking out of the house?  Hmm...anyway I have more important matters.  I'll sneak into a dark spot to hide, and I'll wait a bit and see what this sneaking person does.  Last thing I want is to try to sneak over the next wall and this person sees me.

You croch down in the shadows of the back yard you are currently hiding in... several seconds of quieted footsteps walking arround go by...
a soft, feminine voice calls out in an almost wisper:
"Is that you Gregory?"
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 01:05:32 PM by Ruski »

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #269 on: February 11, 2005, 03:58:49 PM »

Midnight booty call?  Hmm...

Anyway, I'll stay hidden and quiet until she goes away.  Moving now and trying to get over the wall would certainly attract her attention.

BTW, how come I'm the only one doing anything right now?  Is it so I can catch up in the time line?

(OOC): *shrug* the other PC's are buisy talking back and forth to each other, and making a plan. i can only have things happen to people that do things. unless i want to throw more snow goons at them for standing arround with their hands in their pockets for so long. i'm not worried about the time line. everything is going perfectly according to my evil torcherous plan that i have laid out for you. (/OOC)

the sounds continue to move arround on the other side of the wall. aparently it's taking her awhile to figure out why someone would break into her backyard and dust off her BBQ. (must be one hell of a midnight snack craving) then you start to hear sounds of someone trying to climb the wall you are hiding aghinst.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 06:18:12 PM by Ruski »

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill
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