Ok.. can I access Killian's workstation and see if it's there?
Also, can I modify DAHM to give ourselves administrator rights?
Just realized I missed some important things:
-Check and loop the surveillance on the floor we're on.
-Check my employee information and records to see what they've noted. Delete any and all information relating to me.
-And of course fix the access logs to cover my tracks.
Killian's got some indepentant encryption on his system that you can't seem to get through. You'll have to find the key before you can hack that, your rating 3 decript isn't able to even scratch the surface of it.
Your employee information is red-flagged. your fingerprints are set to fire off alarms if they ever show up, as well as a facal scan, your car's vin number has been tagged, and there are XYZ quardanents for it's current location, somewhere in redmond. there is a bit of other information in there as well. GPS quardanants for your location for the last times you've used your cellphone, and other equally scary data.
Looping the survalance for your current floor isn't a big deal. once you do it though, DAHM seems to take notice of it. (it was monitoring you and then you dissapeared) you are holding off the alarm as it is; but unless you sit on it and keep pressing 'cancle' each time he loops arround and checks on you (every two minutes), it's going to go off.
DAHM is behind a firewall, and you can't get administrator rights to him without sitting on the server. (the same place you need to be to copy his code)