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Author Topic: Christmas in Seattle.  (Read 66502 times)


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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #720 on: January 23, 2006, 08:17:41 AM »

The Guards lead you though a variety of hallways. you'd almost swear that they are leading you in circles. every couple of hallways they have to stop, enter in a code, retinal print, hand print, key-swipe, or some combination thereof.

eventually, you get to a door that's got another set of guards standing outside. they exchange some cloke and dagger password bit, before leading you into the server room. you'd almost swear the one of the guards eyes was glowing red as you walk by.

inside the server room, there are two parts. a plexglass wall situated with airvents seperates the 'waiting' room, from the other half. it's almost freezing in here. there is a well-bundled individual sitting on the other side of the wall, working on the mainframe, flanked by a bored looking guard if his/her own.

all of the cold air entry vents are on this side of the plexglass wall.

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #721 on: January 23, 2006, 01:25:51 PM »

Ooh. So they're NOT in the section we're in, and they would probably notice if Takashi sat down and decked it.

I'll walk past all of the vents, holding up a hand to feel the (cold) air coming out of them.

"Hey DAHM? Which one of these vents is broken? They all feel okay to me- it looks like we're going to have to take a look at all of them."

My sensors indicate that vent number 4 is producing air of a insufficently cold tempiture.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 08:11:55 AM by Ruski »
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #722 on: January 24, 2006, 11:13:45 AM »

I'll put on some gloves, and start unscrewing the vent cover.

(quick count- how many guards/techs/other people are here?)
(including the ones outside the door?)

2 guards on your party of 3 people, 1 guard on the single tech on the consol, 2 guards outside.

total people in the room proper: 7, total people outside the room 2. people in the 'pre' area of the server room, 5 (3 of you and two guards) people in the actual server section: 2 one tech and one guard. total guards inside: 3 total guards that are close: 5. total civilians 1. total shadowrunners 3.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 11:44:35 AM by Ruski »
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #723 on: January 24, 2006, 01:58:53 PM »

I'll ask Sam to give me a hand in the vent, and ask "John" ((aka Takashi aka Ingo)) to set up the diagnostic tools.

"DAHM, are there any countermeasures on here that need to be disabled before I stick my head into the vent? Can you shut them down on all of the vents? I'm going to check each one, and make sure there's not a problem with the regulators and sensors that I can fix this time out."

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #724 on: January 24, 2006, 10:13:32 PM »

will assit jazz
dicnary we dont need no stinking dictanary


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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #725 on: January 25, 2006, 09:49:45 AM »

DAHM replys that the countermeasures were deactivated upon your arival; as it's aghinst company policy to make them active when company personel are inside the room. DAHM points out that is also part of the reason security guards are required to be with you; as you don't qualify as employees.

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #726 on: January 25, 2006, 01:58:40 PM »

I'll tinker with the sensors inside the vent, and try and figure out what countermeasures they have built in (like the anti-fire ones that drain all the O2 out of the room, or the pressure valve that floods the room with neurostun)
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #727 on: January 25, 2006, 02:04:29 PM »

It has an anti-fire halon system, that would drain all the air out of the room. they don't seem to have any neuro-stun. perhaps they use the halon as dual-purpouse.

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #728 on: January 25, 2006, 04:00:06 PM »

Can I rig the halon not to work and set the sensors not to detect it?

B/R Electronics test 4 to disable. if you can hit 8, it won't detect it.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2006, 05:53:03 PM by Ruski »
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #729 on: January 25, 2006, 04:38:52 PM »

I'll follow Jazz's lead and put gloves on and check the vents.

Hmm... they seem to be working. your hands are getting cold.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2006, 05:53:44 PM by Ruski »

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Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #730 on: January 26, 2006, 08:33:21 AM »

Is there a way to climb through the vents and get to the other side of the plexi glass?

It's actually a suprisingly simple maglock on the door between the plexi-glass, and the side you are on. there are also large airflow fans up at the top, near the roof.  There also apears to be some space between the top of the plexi-glass and the roof that you could probibly shimmey through if you got up there. it's only about a 8' barrier. (some of the guards may notice if you start climbing it though) the air vents on this side go to the cooling unit, the air comes in here, and then after it's gone past the servers, it gets picked up by the return ducts. you'd have to crawl compleatly through the system inorder to get to the return vents on the server side of the glass.)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2006, 08:39:00 AM by Ruski »

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #731 on: January 28, 2006, 05:13:01 PM »

B/R Electronics Test: 04 04 02 01 Two successes.
Damn. I hope that doesn't blow this whole thing.

Out loud, I'll say "DAHM, it looks like the cannister in here is leaking, and that caused the sensor to malfunction. You might want to request a tech to come look at them. I'm going to clean the sensor and test it."

My Self-test routine requires that all company personell be out of the server room for testing of the Halon system.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2006, 12:09:35 PM by Ruski »
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #732 on: January 30, 2006, 02:09:49 AM »

"Alright, let me inspect all the canisters by hand first, and then you can run your check. Is there anything else that could have cause this sensor not to register? Did your test turn anything up?"

It looks like you just disabled the nossel port to the Halon tank in that vent. if you rotate it counterclockwise with a #3 wrench it'll start working again.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2006, 08:16:27 AM by Ruski »
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #733 on: January 30, 2006, 01:47:57 PM »

"No, is there anything interfering with your sensors, that would make the faulty sensor not register? I turned this nozzle off because it's cracked and I think it's leaking."

The halon system is tested by the pressure reading of the halon compression tanks. the pressure is holding, but the only way to actually test it would be to activate it, and see if the pressure gauge could measure the change.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2006, 02:01:19 PM by Ruski »
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #734 on: January 30, 2006, 08:55:45 PM »

"Alright, I'll turn it back on, and you can test it later when everyone is out of the room. I'm going to stick my head in the other vents, and see if there is anything on those sensors that would make a difference. I might take the sensor in this one back to the shop for repair, and bring out a replacement tomorrow."

I'll nudge Takashi with my boot and tell him "Hey, have you set up that diagnostic equipment yet? I didn't bring you here to feel the air conditioning!"

I'll turn to Sam, and ask him, "Hey, open up that first vent, so I can compare the sensor array."
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