The Guards lead you though a variety of hallways. you'd almost swear that they are leading you in circles. every couple of hallways they have to stop, enter in a code, retinal print, hand print, key-swipe, or some combination thereof.
eventually, you get to a door that's got another set of guards standing outside. they exchange some cloke and dagger password bit, before leading you into the server room. you'd almost swear the one of the guards eyes was glowing red as you walk by.
inside the server room, there are two parts. a plexglass wall situated with airvents seperates the 'waiting' room, from the other half. it's almost freezing in here. there is a well-bundled individual sitting on the other side of the wall, working on the mainframe, flanked by a bored looking guard if his/her own.
all of the cold air entry vents are on this side of the plexglass wall.
-RuskiFace the GM