Oh no, this wasnt a long las... This was just plain solid shot rifle.
Long-las: Range: 150m, single shot, 1d10+3 energy damage, 1 penetration, accurate, reliable, felling 4 qualities.
(accurate means you get an additional +10 to shoot when aiming on top of the normal bonus, and for every 2 degrees of success you get an additional 1d10 damage, max of 2d10.
Reliable means doesnt jam or other complications on bad roll,
felling removes 4 levels of unnatural toughness... Which is only useful against daemons or creatures with that powerup, no bonus against normal toughness, but against the plague guys "kind of" useful...
Sniper rifle: Range: 200m, single shot, 1d10+4 damage, 4 penetration, accurate and reliable... So not as bad as i remember, 4 penetrations pretty damn good, though we had screwwd up rules where penetration doesnt count against your Toughness bonus to your armor. So your flabby abs protected better then carapace armor...
AutoCannon: Range 300m single shot and 3 round semi auto, damage of 3d10+8 Penetration 8, reliable
So on range...
Half your "max" range gives you a +10 to hit, at range is +0, double range is -10, 3 times range is -30.
With sniper rifle we were at extreme taking the -30.. so roughly 450 meters. So with autocannon we would have had long range for -10.
But sniper rifle came with telescopic scope, thus ignored that penalty with full aim, soo.. yeah, it gets advantage on range technically..
number wise...
full action Aiming with both provides a +10, but due to its accurate nature the sniper rifle gets an extra +10.
Sniper rifle +20 to hit,
Autocannon +0 to hit
for firing a single shot rifle you also get a +10 to hit, bumping sniper to +30, (but, he called a shot to the head, negating the +10, he wanted to maximize damage)
Autocannon as semi auto gets no bonus or penalty, remaining at +0, BUT! for semi auto you get an additional hit for every 2 degrees of success (every 10 pts over your target number) So a chance for more then 1 shot to hit. I'd call no head shot here as we would want to use the semi-auto fire which can only be done with single
Sniper +20
AC: +0
Target was unaware (giving a speech infront of loyal crowd) which would give a +30. we had higher ground +10,
Sniper: +60
AutoCannon: +40
Dude had a high ballistic after long time playing, round about 48 (though looking at his sheet it says 80 now... which i doubt..)
To figure difficulty, you take your base skill (the said 48) add in modifiers (60 for sniper, 40 for AC) and roll a d100 hoping to roll lower then your end result.. which means with sniper rifle, only way he would miss is if he rolled a 100 or so, which just automatically fails
With autocannon would need to roll under a 88 to hit, and every 10 more under gets extra hit up to 3.
on random roll... 17. Yeah. Both are good hits with either gun, sniper rifle does 3d10+4 damage in one hit..
Autocannon does 3 hits of 3d10+8...
Sniper damage: 28 and ignores 4 points of armor, and up to 4 pts of unnatural tough directly to the head (called shot to head)
Autocannon: First shot hits right leg with 20 damage second shot hits right leg again for 24 damage, third shot hits body for 32 Damage. Eac hit has 8pts of penetration. Third shot also had a 10 on its damage making it a critical! That is ouch.
he had an armor of about 10 (plating, chaos, ect) and 5 of that was all toughness, so by our screwwed up rules he ignores 5 damage from each hit.
Sniper rifle does end of 22 damage. He had like, 30 wounds, so ouch, but lives..
Autocannon... first shot, 15 damage, second shot, 19, third shot 27 damage (and as a critical, cracks his ribs dealing 1d10 toughness damage). End result? 61 damage. more then double his wounds, and Right into critical damage! and very likely just dead.
BUT!! Surprise twist! one of his body guards had a talent (which im sure was scribbled onto the sheet at last second as this hairbrained plan was dreamed up..) that let him jump in and intercept the attack.
I kinda tuned out at this point, otherwise as they were unaware the dude shouldnt have time to jump in front of a super sonic round.. But gm wanted the dude alive evidently (forgot the first rule. Never give PCs access to someone you dont want dead). And with autocannon could argue with that much damage and armor penetration that it should have torn him to shreds and hit the guy behind him, as he described it as him jumping infront of the target, not knocking him out of the way....
But thats just me. at that point i had pretty much just checked out of the game due to all the BS of side junk. didnt help they wanted to ... Encourage... one of the players from the secondary group (dude ran 2 games, diff squads in same regiment off oing seperate missions which had some effects on each other) with his "voice acting" which came out as very stilted and shitty canadian and Wisconsin accents. like someone dubbed in lines from fargo and trailer park boys...