So sorry, I feel your pain. Also lost a job to bullshit once...actually more than once, I just remembered the only other time I ever got cut loose - I was working as an assistant manager in a book store between high school and college, hired because I grasped how everything worked instantly. It was an alphabet based system, it wasn't too taxing. But when I actually took the managing part seriously and did things, streamlined processes, and made changes, making things run so much smoother, omg! the store manager was apparently so threatened, she told me things 'weren't working out' and fired me the week before Christmas. I blinked at her and asked if she was seriously letting the assistant manager go the week before Christmas. Yup, she was. The busiest retail week of the year, tells you about her brain power, eh? Especially since I was leaving in May, anyway. The rest of the crew however, made sure I took my Christmas bonus - $75 worth of books. No cash, they were cheap, but the crew - against policy charged be the employee discount price for the bonus books which were, of course, supposed to go at retail. I got some very nice books that year.
I hope things work out for you and that sensible heads prevail, one hopes there are such heads out there still. I mean there's us, so there must be others, right?