... friends been employing me for ideas and things in their games, which i have no objections to! Also figured id offer up one that was enjoyed for you lot to possibly use.
Game pitched for takes place in seattle/tacoma, but works for any port area roughly..
Group is approached by johnson/fixer or any group, they back a group of smugglers thats gone silent after landing in the docks where the meet was setup. They are being employed to find what happened, and hopefully recover the items or get a solid lead on where they went.
Area knowledge, asking about, or anything like that shows this dock area has a bad reputation, was formerly a meeting place for smugglers to off load goods and such, but after people started going missing, some heavily armed people, it was slowly marked off the list. Thing is even now it persists, the occasional ganger looking to hide from Heat, junkies looking to Juice, or even just the occasional homeless person looking for a dry spot just go missing..
Whennthe group does finally go the find the place a mess, large webs stuck in rafters, crunched bits of bone and armor, and just a terrible oppressive feeling in the place.
Maybe a couple fights with some para critters, and rhey make it to the warehouse as directed. Its built right on the waterline so that things can be loaded/unloaded quickly, but is very much abandoned.
Exploring inside they find the remains of the smugglers and their gear scattered about and torn apart. Very little is viable at this point, and something powerful tore through them.
If the group has done the novel thing of say... sticking to the shadows, give them perception checks to notice the sound of something exiting and enteringbthe water, spotting the rings as it does so, notice how the roof creaks and shifts in paths as if something is moving in it.. unless theu roll MAJORLY good, what comes should be a surprise.
When te group is in he warehouse and checking things out, from the water erupts a MASSIVE SpiderMoose bull, an absolute beast of a creature that attacks the party for a good fight (adjust stats as needed to give a good challenge). Of injured to much the creature dives back into the water to escape for a time and get the element from surprise and dropping from the rafters, or some other secret area.
For other twists, maybe another group has been hired to go into the warehouse and collect the goods. A gunfight between them and the PCs could draw the SpiMoos attention, providing a "Rescue" for the pcs if the fight is going badly, or they can lure the group to the warehouse getting them to fight the creature and weaken both sides. It could go in many different ways.
Decide loot as you wish, but i liked the idea of giving them the option to possibly buy up/rent the area for a cheap price as its "Cursed" giving them a good discrete hiding spot they can setup as a base. Of course... they should be wary when the spider mooses eggs hatch... if they can find them...
I got the idea from reading one of the critters books, amd saw a comic by pet foolery...