He was drugged in the bar. If you remember, when he talked to nuke-boy, nuke-boy described the same thing: having a drink and passing out. I mean we all know how easy it is to bribe a bartender to slip someone a mickey fin, or even do it yourself when no one's looking.
As for the passing out from too much noise, that seems to me like and isolated incident. It would be pretty easy to be overwhelmed by the noise, of a dozen pissed off and agitated people, but passing out from about 7 mellow drunks? I don't think that would be enought to tumble this guy over. And besides, that would be a HELL of a coincidence if the Hatian was just tooling around waiting for this guy to pass out.
Now, what's going to happen when Peter gets around the Hatian? Will he be able to unlock the memories the Hatian is messing with? Are those memories erased or just surpressed? Makes me wonder.