Yeah- but it seemed like Glasses was a good guy for a while there, so now you have to wonder what his agenda is. I mean, if Claire is safe, why mind wipe her? Wouldn't she be safer knowing than not knowing?
Oh, and the Hatian CAN talk?!?!?!? What's up with that?
The thing I'm really wondering about- how does Peter end up exploding? I mean, we know he can steal other people's powers, but usually only to minor effects, and he usually has pretty good control- he didn't just shoot into the stratosphere when he absorbed Nathan's powers, and he didn't get migraines and pass out like the Policeman.
So I'm wondering- if maybe his vision was in Radiation guy's place, and Peter doesn't go back to New York, so incidently, the one guy who can counter this guy's power is the one who stays away because he's afraid he causes it.