Hey Yogi Berra,
Welcome to the Shadowrun Pub. We'll be glad to have you join us for the PBP, although I'll be the first to admit that the game isn't a fast-paced action adventure as much as I would like, but it's steady and we'll keep going until everyone gets bored.
You'll notice there are a few threads in this sub-forum that have the title Welcome to Denver - Character : X_Mr Machismo_X (or whatever name you make up for your character). I'd appreciate it if you would start the thread, that way you can edit the intro post and keep the character up to date. Since I'm one of the mods, I can edit it as well, and that way we have a working sheet to crib off of. Once you're done with your character and posted him or her, I'll double-check the math, make sure you didn't accidentally end up with too many skills or a bunch of BP and leftover money that you could spend to improve your character. It's also my way of getting familiar with the characters, so I can think up challenges and ways to let your character shine in the game.
If I have questions about your character, please don't take it personally, I'm not trying to take away the unique snowflake that is your character concept, I'm just trying to understand that build and help patch holes I can see in the concept.
Once that's done, we'll shoe-horn you into the plot, and you'll be playing. YAY!
- kv