Thanks Ingo and Yogi, for weighing in on the armor issue.
I meant to get online this weekend and post, but it topped 105 in Phoenix all weekend, and I decided to just lay around and enjoy air conditioning after staying up late with my brothers to play video games (4-play co-op online!) and then going in to work at 5am to pick up some extra hours and get a job finished before my vacation this week.
I'll be home tonight, and my plan is to devote it to all things Shadowrun, and then I'll be out of town the next couple weekends, so my only posting is going to be during the week and somewhat more sporadic.
Edit: new post is up, enjoy;
Bull, I don't mean anything personal by her words, I just wanted her to get a little defensive and push back, and your character was the easiest to do it against. She's really scared, and I wanted to put that into her tone as a little angry. I thought about putting in something about how she maybe reminded you of one of Doc's other apprentices, but I thought I should ask first. Is that okay with you?
- kv