We'll have to fix something quickthen- I don't want to be standing around covered in drek when someone finally answers that alarm. Speaking of which, where are we? This isn't a AA zone, or the cops would've already been here- and if it's the barrens, we're more likely to get atacked because the alarm is going off than arrested.
I'll let the other guys look around- I'm going to try and fix us a ride out of here.
You'd guess that you are in a run-down industrial area near the barrens.
you find a car that looks like it will run, but the battery is missing. (allong with the radio, and all the glass from the windows) but it's still got tires, and all of the other electrical components apear to be in place. leaving you with the problem of getting it started, and getting the steering colum open enough to let you turn the wheel.
Stealth 4 test to crack the steering colum or fudge the locking mechanism,
and a B/R car 4 test to push start it.