There are worse things that being closelined by a brick. however, there isn't much worse than being closelined by a brick, that happens to be covered in meta-human Drek, when you are doing 50KMPH down an alleyways. expecially when you aren't wearing your helmet.
the motorcycle continues acrost the street, befreft of it's rider, who pretty much just stays where he was, at the opening of the alleyway.
you mannaged to hit him in the middle of the chest with the block, cracking some ribs for sure, and defenitly knocking the wind out of him, although in the process you think you may have broken some bones in your hand.
(resist 8M impact) (from your hand's high speed impact with the motorcycle)
The biker, an orc, is lying on his back, coughing up blood, and not moving much. the motorcycle makes it all the way accrost the street before smashing through a display window of a bridal botique.