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Author Topic: Christmas in Seattle.  (Read 68376 times)


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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #510 on: August 03, 2005, 11:43:28 PM »

"Hey, if they stop to talk, threaten to hug them."

I'll keep driving, and try and pick up the pace... or whatever.

The car backfires loudly as it attempts to accelerate (Drive 4 test, +3 for dammage to the car. (7) roll 6's)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2005, 11:32:33 AM by Ruski »
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Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #511 on: August 04, 2005, 01:20:35 AM »

I'll look around the car for the object that may have been used to break in the windows.  Maybe the person(s) who stole the radio left it here.

You find a sparkplug tied to a string, several (3) rocks, a left shoe (size 9), 1.75Y in change (mostly penneys and nickles), and an empty spraypaint can.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2005, 11:31:23 AM by Ruski »

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #512 on: August 04, 2005, 06:12:29 PM »

Drive Test: 14 10  04 04 03 Two Successes

You push the stick into 'N', slam on the gas, letting the enginge build momentum, then drop it back down into D2. there is a loud roar of twisting metal as what can only be your tail pipe gets blown off of your headers. the enginge is sounding much louder now... and the car is about a hundred pounds lighter. you see the lights of the motorcycles swerve to miss the sparking remains of the back half of your ehxaust system. you are increasing speed.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2005, 08:15:20 AM by Ruski »
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Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #513 on: August 04, 2005, 10:51:27 PM »

I'll collect these things and search behind the seats or in the trunk (if we can access the trunk through the back seat).  I'll try to wipe some drek off of us into the shoe.  Hopefully I'll be able to throw it at the car and have the drek splatter all over their window.  How big are the rocks?

The rocks are the size that 12 year old kids tend to throw at cars to try to break their windows if they've been left on a street in a bad neighborhood for a long period of time.  (1/2 lb)

Also, You easily fill the shoe with drek from your clothing and body. you are suprised how easy it is to do that. you don't feel any cleaner though

It'll be a quickness 5 test to get the back seat down, inorder to access the trunk. the car is bouncing around quite a bit (it aparently needs new shocks and struts) and you have to get off of the seat inorder to put the back down.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2005, 08:19:20 AM by Ruski »

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #514 on: August 05, 2005, 10:34:20 PM »

Once we're starting to get away (like now) I'll cut down an alley, use the car to block it, and then have the guys get out and foot it the rest of the way to my place.

I figure that's the best I can do.

Okay Drive 4 test (+3 for dammage to the car(7)) to turn down the alleyway without hitting anything in the process, Followed by a Drive 6 test (Crash test) (+3 for dammage to the car (9)) to wedge it sideways in the alleyway without killing all of your occupents.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2005, 07:48:55 AM by Ruski »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
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Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #515 on: August 06, 2005, 12:44:48 AM »

Quickness 6, TN# 5:

 1: 6 + 1 = 7. ... Success
 2: 4
 3: 6 + 5 = 11. ... Success
 4: 2
 5: 5 ... Success
 6: 6 + 2 = 8. ... Success


If the following car looks threatening, I'll throw the shoe now.  If it's still just following us, I'll stick with the elf guy's idea and leave the gooey surprise behind.  What's in the trunk?

You work your way arround and fold the seat down, peering inside the trunk you come face to face with a rotting and decrepit corpse. It apears to have been in the trunk of this car for quite some time. It's hands are/were bound... and there apears to be a tie wraped arround it's head and stuffed in it's mouth.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2005, 07:57:17 AM by Ruski »

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #516 on: August 08, 2005, 06:48:46 PM »

Okay Drive 4 test (+3 for dammage to the car(7))

09 05 04 03 02  (One Success)

Drive 6 test (Crash test) (+3 for dammage to the car (9))

07 05 04 03 02 (No Successes... uh oh.)
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #517 on: August 09, 2005, 11:30:22 AM »

Well, You make the corner; mostly on two wheels, and you do suceed in wedging the car between the two buildings, however, it wasn't done as gracefully as you had hoped.

Everyone resist 8S Impact.
then roll a Bod test, target number 4.
if you make the bod test, you are in controll of your facalties enough to roll inititive immediatly after the crash, if not, you'll be sitting there, dazed for awhile.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #518 on: August 09, 2005, 12:46:52 PM »

Resist Impact Test:
08 05 05 05 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 01 01 (One success)

Body 4 Test (+3 for wounds)
08 04 03 03 01 (also One Success)

You fly through the space where a windshield should have been, luckly avoiding the sharp glass that would have made some deep laserations on your body. unfortunatly, you loose several teeth on the brick wall beyond the hood, when your face connects with it. you roll over, your neck hurts like hell. and you can see the motorcycles aproaching. you somehow find the strength to sit up, and spit blood all over your drek covered clothing.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2005, 04:11:26 PM by Ruski »
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #519 on: August 09, 2005, 04:40:58 PM »

<Mercy is aparently knocked unconcious by the accident, but is still alive>
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Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #520 on: August 09, 2005, 11:52:25 PM »

Resist Impact Test: (8S)
 1: 6 + 3 = 9. ... Success
 2: 6 + 2 = 8. ... Success
 3: 3
 4: 1
 5: 5
(Lucky lucky!)

Body 4 Test:
 1: 3
 2: 3
 3: 4
 4: 4
 5: 6 + 1 = 7. ... Success

6 (Reaction) + 3 (Init Roll) = 9

you somehow find yourself in the front seat, the steering wheel snapped off, and sticking into your side where your ribs should be. the corpse that was in the trunk is dripping some decayed biomass into your face. this dosn't bother you nearly as much as it should. you push the body off of you, and pull the wheel from your side. sitting up, you realise you can move, but your ribs hurt like hell. this is turning into a very long day. the driver, (who ended up on what's left of the hood) is pulling the other passanger from the car (who's not awake enough to do anything at this point) and attempting to drag him down the alleyway, away from the bikes.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2005, 12:37:38 PM by Ruski »

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #521 on: August 10, 2005, 01:02:48 AM »

I'll grab Mercy and start dragging him and running as best I can toward where my apartment is.
This drek has gone on long enough.

You are about three blocks from your flat.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2005, 12:41:10 PM by Ruski »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
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Ingo Monk

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #522 on: August 10, 2005, 11:58:09 PM »

I'll help him drag the unconcious guy to wherever it is we're going.

you swing one arm arround the guys other shoulder, and it's much easyer to move him allong.

you hear the sound of swearing from the other side of the wrecked car... aparently the motorcycles can't get by without ditching their bikes. they appear to be driving away, perhaps to find an alternate route arround this block.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2005, 08:11:12 AM by Ruski »

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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #523 on: August 11, 2005, 01:05:44 AM »

Well, it's not really like we can hide, with the slug-like drek trail we're leaving behind, but I have a couple guns there, so we can figure something out. Is there any place closer to where we are that we would be able to hide at? (Hopefully without people- I don't want the drek-swimming rep to follow me)

You know of an old rival chop-shop in this area, that you use to work for, untill they caught you re-stealing the cars you sold them. that's about 200 yards out.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2005, 08:12:30 AM by Ruski »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
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   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re:Christmas in Seattle.
« Reply #524 on: August 11, 2005, 01:40:43 PM »

We'll duck in there then- I'd rather have to patch things up with old friends than have to patch myself up after dealing with these new ones.

"Hey, I know a place we maybe can hide out- up over here..."
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
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