((I'll just post this for Ingo, cause... I seriously want to finish this thread... but I have no idea how high his computer skill is, so I'm just going to give him a skill of 6, with no encephalon or anything.))
(1) Delete your files: Computer 4 test
09 09 04 03 02 02
(Sucess)(2) Cut down heat production B/R computer 4 test.
(default to intelligence- so +4 TN#, but I'll still give him 6 dice)
15 05 05 04 03 01
(Sucess)(3) Give yourself superuser status: Computer 6 test
(if you make this one, drop target numbers for all future tests by half)
08 05 05 04 02 01
(Sucess)(4) get Raymond's file: Computer 4 test
208 05 04 03 02 02(Sucess)(5) Sound General Evacuation: Computer 4 test
214 10 03 03 03 01
(Sucess)(6) Make Security evacuate too: Computer 8 test.
405 04 04 02 02 01
(Sucess)(7) Make all exits 'one way': computer 6 test.
305 05 05 04 03 02

Set automated defence to reconise only your party as non-hostile: Computer 8 test.
411 08 04 03 02 01
(Sucess)(9) Have the backups frag themselves: Computer 4
2 & B/R Computer 4
10 04 04 02 01 01
B/R (Defaulting to Int again):
15 08 04 02 02 02
(Sucess)<At this point the computers crash>(10) Lock out Killian: Computer 6 test.
311 05 05 05 03 01
(can not compleate operation)(11) Plant Evidence about Killian: Computer 6 test.
310 05 04 04 03 01
(can not compleate operation)There... he's all rolled for. If I was him, I would tap a karma to reroll my failures, and then burn it to get an extra success.
In fact... in case he decides that:
15 05 05 04 03 01
15 13 09 03 02 01
+ 1 Success from burning a karma. Or something.
(I included this into the calculations)okay, following that: the dump-shock knocks him out. sitting on an overheating server when it goes nova will do that to you sometimes.