A sunfire yellow corvette idles quietly in the parking lot outside.
it is parked in a spot that's off to the side of the building. not in the dirrect dammage path of the streetlight.
"Dam, I hate going to new places. why did thoes punks have to burn down my regular stuffer shack? and my second alternate still has the caution tape and squadcars parked in circles arround it."
taking another moment to survay the surroundings, check the ammo in his Ruger Super-Warhawk and slipping it into the quickdraw holster in the small of his back, Ruski locks the car into 'N', and leaves the enginge running. as he opens the door, several empty bottles of 'Jolt-cola' clatter to the cold asphalt of the parking lot.
as he walks toward the lighted interior of the stuffer shack, Ruski digs into his pocket, and hits the 'arm' button on his anti-theft device for his car.
Reaching the front of the stuffer shack, he pulls out his sunglasses, and puts them on. quickly flipping through the diffrent view modes as he pauses outside the shack, pretending to take his time with the door.
ultrasonic... clear.
electromagnetic... some activity by the microwave, but nothing out of the ordanary.
thermographic... hmm... some other guy is in the back buying some hooch. make a note of that.
low light... dosn't help much. too much light.
"Well, let's see how low of a profile a guy wearing a black trench-coat with a skull and crossbones on the back, electric blue hair, and wearing sunglasses at night can pull off."
the EM contrast warning on the sunglasses bumps up a notch as he walks through the door. Metal Detectors.
well, i've got enough hardware i guess it's only fair that the poor sap behind the counter knows that i've got it. well, time to go make friends.
glancing at the nametag on the clerk behind the counter.
Hey uh, Jimmy? is it? I got 500Y here that says your metal detector is on the fritz. "
reaching into his other pocket, he pulls out one of the certified cred-sticks he picked up off of his last run. he got it from the J that double crossed them, so it probibly had a tracer in it. but the kid didn't need to know that. he looked down at the ballance.
"uh, how about 1,246 Y saying it didn't go off? I don't have any smaller change."
... noting the kids lack of responce, and almost lack of breathing is not a good sign.
"well, here. you hold on to this, and think about it, while i go shopping. You wouldn't happen to have any of the blue flavored Jolt-Cola in stock would you? no? I didn't think so. next time you talk to your manager bring some in. i think it'll sell well for you. "
walking away from the clerk he could see from the side mirrors on his glasses that the clerk was just looking at the cred-stick. aparently he was either afraid of it, or in disbelief that he just got his first bribe. slightly worried that he might not take it, and set off the panicbutton, ruski started a quick countdown clock on his retinal display.
give myself two minutes. just get something with caffeen, pay, and get out.
Ruski walks calmly over to the caffeen display. Nuka-cola, the best parts of caffeen and crack. Ultra-Energy-Drink, for the midnight troll, and ultra-super-sugar-rush.
*sigh* why does NERPS always gotta add sugar? my dental plan is terrible!