Kid had a legacy of wrong place- wrong time. His friends joked about it, MFI refused to talk about it, and it was the subject of more than one funny drinking story.
I mean, seriously. Chi-Town. Detroit (where they put refugees when his dad was locked down inside), getting kidnapped by a corp, them telling his mom he was dead. Getting extracted out of S-K's Kennecott Mountain Facility. Being in Seattle for the Comet, taking some time off in Denver right before Ghostwalker got there... a history of bad timing.
Hell, even he and stuffer shack had a bad reputation. They paid him 5000Y a month as part of his 'rehabilitation after he was low of funds between runs and picked up a job in the McHughs, only to witness some runners taking apart a group of gangers with thier bare hands, and then try to threaten the cops with the bloodied remains. Not like he'd never seen anything like that before, but like hell he was going to tell THEM that.
But he'd been out of the running for several months now. He had forged some credentials, and had been teaching computer science to some sixth-graders. It was a pleasant enough existence.
Walking into the Stuffer shack near his new digs was a bad idea. Something so small changed a big thing like that.
He just walked in, and seeing Ruski there, blood pouring out of... well, everywhere. Ruski was mumbling something to the clerk, who looks absolutely terrified, and was trying to decide whether to scream or faint. Ruski's trail of blood wound around to the back of the store... which didn't make any sense.
The blood pouring out of his ears spoke of some extreme dumpshock, so Kid moved into his line of sight before patting him on the shoulder.
He very slowly lipped the words "Hey Ruski! Let's get you somewhere to clean up!" and spoke clearly, not even sure Ruski would be able to hear him.
He tossed the clerk a roll of 100Y notes and said, "Do me a favor- lose the tape and clean up the blood. We were never here."
Putting his arm around Ruski, he walked him out to the Ford Americar with dealer plates outside.