Ruski was mumbling something next to him... it was hard to make out with the sputtering breathing, the coughing, and the ... laughter?
Everyone who he called had the same reaction. The look on MFI's face was priceless.
"You're still alive?"
With Ruski next to him, he lined up what he needed- a clean car, a safehouse, and a street doc. Dr. Fingers would work... well, not great, but fine.
Twenty minutes later, the car was in front of the house, a black Ford Americar, and when the driver got out, he changed the plates before tossing Kid the keys. If Ruski was still conscious, he would probably crack a joke about the time Kid trashed that car on accident, driving into the lightpost during a run. Ruski always had something funny to say.
He laid the semi-conscious runner out on the back seat, and drove to the safehouse. Even before he got there, he remembered the place. There was a runner... Chopper, who moved to CalFree. It was his old place.
Kid pushed open the door with his foot, supporting Ruski's weight. Good, no other runners were squatting here at the time. It was always hell trying to convince runners on the job that you weren't from whatever corp they had just hit. Like tap dancing in a minefield, walking into a safehouse that was already taken.
He helped Ruski sit down on the couch, and looked in the fridge to see if there was anything to drink. Nothing.
He checked on Ruski, who was sputtering something... something that finally made sense. "James McKathy" was all he could make out, but that was all that he needed. Kid and most other deckers in the Seattle area knew who McKathy was- they called him "The Bulldog," someone who never let go of a lead, even if it was wrong.
If he was after Ruski, this was more dangerous than Kid had first been led to believe.