The Sidewinder's been in operation for years now. I can still remember getting Jackie set up with the place. I had a good thing going on then, decen shadow practice, and a little biz ont he side too. It beat the hell out of getting drummed out of Lone Star, and it let me stick it to them without digging my hole quite as deep as some of the people I fixed up.
anyway, Jackie's always been good about providing a quiet place to chat.
Pull up to the curb, looks like She's moving up in the world, the bouncer's got a bit of ware on him.
"hey, buddy, is Jackie-girl in tonight? Tell her uncle Gill's come around."
I breeze inside, not worrying about any detector, I don't use that stuff anyway. There's gotta be one, Jackie's not dumb, I taught her better than that.
Jackie's up at the bar, like usual. I've never known her to spend a night away from her business. and with the people she usually sees here, I don't blame her.
"hey, girl, how the life treating you? Listen, I need a bit a privacy for a chummer or two. Two drink minimum. Deal? Just send em over tot he corner booth. Oh, and gimme a scotch"
"Sure, gill, whatever you need. You ain't brought trouble around here yet that you couldn't help handle."
there's white noise generators installed in every booth, and a privacy screen to pull around if you're really paranoid. I kick back, put my feet up, and wait for the show to begin.