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Author Topic: The January Run  (Read 18680 times)


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2006, 12:16:30 AM »

Slipping into the limo as they hold the door open for me pulling my sword off.  Sitting it next to me I move to the farside of the limo.  I put up the partition if it is not already up and settle myself.  As soon as they get in and settled my guns are back in my hands.  "Alright lets have a better conversation now that we are more secure.  Now who were you speaking of when you mentioned my previous employer?  It is a good place to start isn't it?  Consider this a proof of life you give me honesty I put my guns away and behave.  If not well I think consumate professionals like you guys can figure it out."  Waiting patiently for a reply my guns unswaying as I look between the two.  

The two men look rather suprised when you pull out the guns, but don't reach for any weapons or otherwise react. "Sir, all I know is what I told you," one says, as the other speaks into a microphone in his sleeve. "He is becoming beligerent."

The first continues, "Sir, I was told to tell you if you asked that I was contacting you about employment by a previous employer. That's all I was told..."

At this point, he continues talking, but you start feeling dizzy.
Make an unaugmented body 8 test, and tell me how many successes you get.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 03:45:53 PM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2006, 03:42:41 PM »

"Whoa! Explosion! Awsome! so, target number 4 huh? what target number am I? 1? the highest priority of target? are the other targets video-game masters too? Do I know any of them? Can I get a T-shirt with my priority number on it? "

raymond trys to determine the type of explosive used on the other limo.
Demolitions 3 (5, 2, 2)

The first man actually smiles at you as you ask all the questions. You have no idea what sort of explosion happened in the car, but it seems oddly familiar, as if you had seen something like it recently. Probably when you were kicking hoop in round 3 of the tournament, and you hit that one guy with a dragon-powerball-z combo, and he was atomized. Yeah, that was probably it.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 03:49:52 PM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2006, 03:55:45 PM »

"So, who's your boss? can you talk about him? or is it a Her? I got my Hoop kicked by a girl once. I think she was a ninja. Do you think i should get dental coverage? I think I may be getting a tooth ache from all the sugar I eat..."

The two men mostly ignore you, although one seems tempted to speak into his wrist-microphone more than once. Eventually they pull up in front of Club Bella, a ritzy club that is planned to open soon to the public. There are already fans outside, and papparazzi taking pictures of everyone going in.

Fame is good. You think you'll like it.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 05:13:33 PM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2006, 05:03:26 PM »

I look through the bar for any coffee, otherwise I'll have water or other non-alcoholic drink.  I'd rather be reasonably alert for the time, and alcohol makes me sleepy.

There are a couple of energy drinks stowed in the bar, including C@FP0W!, and other assorted caffineated and nicotine-filled highly addictive drinks. They have Starbucks Kahlua, but you're not sure what percentage of that is alcohol and what percentage is coffee.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 05:11:34 PM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2006, 08:39:07 PM »

(Ok this has got to be the damnedest roll I have had in a while 1, 3, 17,19.  That is no joke I even changed dice after the first 6's.  Of course I have been playing 4th edition lately irl.)

Slurring my speech as I get sleepy a bit I put away my guns.  "My apologies gentlemen I was just confirming a suspicion.  I hope I did not offend you too much by my actions.  I think I need some coffee I still seem sleepy."  Leaning back gripping my katana as a way to comfort myself.

Neither of them seems affected, but both of them seem more than a little suprised that you're still awake. One of them moves and offers to get you a coffee.

While he's pouring it, make another body 8 test.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 09:50:12 PM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2006, 09:02:00 PM »

I skip the super caffineated stuff and look for a bottle of water.  I want to be alert, not twitching like someone who got wired and forgot the reflex trigger.

There's a bottle of Renracu Lemon Water there on the shelf among the other bottles. God bless Renracu and thier 2% real lemon juice.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 09:56:11 PM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2006, 10:40:19 PM »

(4,3,11,5 on body)

Still just swaying a bit now I guess I'll take the coffee when handed to me.  Sinking more into the seat as I seem to get heavier.

The man who originally spoke into his mike about you being belligerent lifts his sleeve to his mouth again, but you have a hard time understanding what he's saying... his voice seems deep and distorted.

The other man holds the coffee, after you grab it and he continues to hold it after you can't seem to maintain your grip on it anymore. Your head doesn't clear, but you stop getting heavier. You feel a little drugged. And by a little, I mean you feel like an elephant sucker punched you.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 11:18:24 PM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2006, 10:52:23 PM »

I grab the water and, after a decent mouthful, eye the two suits.

"So, when do I find out what you want from me?"

Neither one of them moves, and for a moment the car is uncomfortably quiet, then finally one of them speaks. "Ma'am, I am not privledged to give you that information. We should be there shortly."
« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 11:20:36 PM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2006, 01:09:37 AM »

"Hmmmmm I guess I will just take a little nap on our way there if that ok wake me when were there?"  Sounding very childish and hopeful a bit of his past slipping through.

The two men nod, and you're not sure how much time passes before you reach wherever it is that you're going. Your limo pulls up to the back of a building, and the men open the doors and slide you over to the side. One of them takes each of your arms, and they support you between the two of them. Once you get outside, your head starts to clear a little, but you're still dizzy and rather incapacitated. They bring you in through the cellar, where a truck is delivering beer kegs, dropping them through a small trapdoor onto a sandbag in the basement. They wind you through the back of whatever this place is, and you find yourself on the deserted dance floor of some club you don't recognize. They gingerly set you at a table with a man in a suit, who is smoking a cigarette (you can't tell if it's one of the cheap ones or not at the moment) and he sits there in silence, watching you.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2006, 11:18:53 AM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2006, 07:56:29 AM »

I jump out of the car and raise my hands over my head while shouting to the people with the cameras

"Raymond Theadore Lovelace Has reached his destination! All hail the next great game master! "

with that I'll pose for some shots with my bodyguards, and give what remains in the bottle of real vodka to an adoring fan.

(if the doors are locked or somesuch, i'll use the magnetics in my arm to unlock them as I go out the door. sometimes they have child safty locks in the back)

The doors actually are locked, and the bodyguards are rather... annoyed and suprised that you're able to open the door. You slip out onto the red carpet, posing and smiling for the papparazzi. Several woman ask you to take them inside with you, but the bodyguards push you along at a pretty good rate until you get inside the foyer of the club.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2006, 11:11:23 AM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2006, 08:40:19 AM »

I roll my eyes at the answer.  Or rather nonanswer.  I didn't ask what I'd be doing, just when I'd find out.

I finish off the water and watch the city roll past.

Before too long, your limo pulls up in front of Club Bella, where it stops and the security get out and watch the crowd. One of them gestures for you to exit the limo with the words "Ms. Crystalwind? We are here."

((Same setting as Rayman, although he got her a minute before you. Red carpet, paparazzi, and everything, and you're ushered into the foyer of the club, also done up all in red.))
« Last Edit: March 02, 2006, 02:53:34 PM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2006, 11:19:56 AM »

I'll try to get one of the girls to go with me into the club. Picking out the prettyest one I can see I'll stop at the doorman and say:

"That chick in the red? She's with me. make sure she gets let inside."

Negotions test: 8, 5, 1, 1

from there, I'll go inside, and check out the scene.

Somehow, that doorman manages to resist your command to let some random girl in. Maybe it's because the club isn't open yet. Maybe it's because the bodyguards shake thier heads 'No' at him. In any case, he doesn't let her in, and the two men in black suits hustle you into the foyer, where they stop. "Mr. Lovelace, your party is waiting for you."

Inside, a small circular table has been set up, and a man sits there smoking a cigarette. Another sits, looking rather out of it, watching people move around him.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2006, 12:02:14 PM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2006, 11:40:51 AM »

As soon as my head begins to clear I concentrate on getting clearer.  Keeping with the old adage "Clear the mind and the ass will follow." Taking in as much detail as I can I let my head low back as they sit me in the chair.  How high is the ceiling and some of the details there.  Then I will look back down at the man and murmur.  "This isn't a very nice way to treat a guest.  If I had wanted to be just as rude I would of shot one before I asked my question.  Though I guess the scales  are balanced they were nice enough to help me in.  So What?"  Trying to sound angry but probablly coming off sounding drugged.

Yes, I believe you come off sounding like you've been drugged. You mutter, but the man doesn't respond, taking a draw of his cigarette. You notice the ember from the tip of his cigarette is reflected in his eyes, giving him a faintly demonic look. The club is decorated mostly in reds and dark brown woods, playing up the sleek and rich angle. The ceiling... is far away, and not lit. It looks like a club scene, with air ducts, fans, and day-lighting. While you're looking around and feeling out of it, you notice a troll thrash band and a couple of DJs setting up for tonight.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2006, 11:56:28 AM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2006, 12:31:10 PM »

I'll go sit down next to the guy that looks 'out of it' and start talking to him.

"Hi! I'm Raymond! Did you just get here? You look a little out of it. is this your first time? I've done this lots! well, not in a place this nice... what are you looking at? the cealing? You know, that's a pretty amazing air refridgeration system they have. I bet vents that big could remove up to 21 thousand BTU's a cycle. It must be super hot in here once everyone's inside and jumping arround. "
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #29 on: March 02, 2006, 01:43:18 PM »

I give the security guys a sympathetic look as I head inside.  They probably don't get paid near enough for what they put up with.

Once inside, I notice the people at the table and almost do a double take.  Weren't they at the Stuffer Shack earlier?  And the guy who stripped is still running his mouth!

You don't really recognize the drugged-looking guy, but yes, you rememeber Rayman from your stuffer shack experience.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2006, 02:53:08 PM by Kid_Vid »
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