I'll try to get one of the girls to go with me into the club. Picking out the prettyest one I can see I'll stop at the doorman and say:
"That chick in the red? She's with me. make sure she gets let inside."
Negotions test: 8, 5, 1, 1
from there, I'll go inside, and check out the scene.
Somehow, that doorman manages to resist your command to let some random girl in. Maybe it's because the club isn't open yet. Maybe it's because the bodyguards shake thier heads 'No' at him. In any case, he doesn't let her in, and the two men in black suits hustle you into the foyer, where they stop. "Mr. Lovelace, your party is waiting for you."
Inside, a small circular table has been set up, and a man sits there smoking a cigarette. Another sits, looking rather out of it, watching people move around him.