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Author Topic: The January Run  (Read 18720 times)


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #45 on: March 07, 2006, 08:23:11 AM »

"Ahh... McHews; you know, I got fired from that job. aparently it violates some obscure health code to undress when repairing machinery where the food is prepared. Personally I think it would have been unsafe to repair it while wearing all of thoes static-filled garments; but that's not really here, nor there. Everyone's got to start somewhere.

speaking of starting somewhere, your offer is nice. and you are right that anything not involving out and out wetwork begins at the 20K mark, but you've added quite a few extras off the top. the bonus for bringing in the scientest notwithstanding, we are going to need to get into and outof this place without raising a racket. even double-A's have a fair share of security. Let's meet halfway. we asked eighty, you offered fourty, half up front. let's keep the 20 upfront, I can work with that, and bump the back-end up to fourty. for a total of sixty. now, understand that I'll be doing this job if you don't budge a red cent over fourty. but I'm not going to want to do repeat buisness for you, and when you are working with people on one-shot-deals... things get... sloppy. I'd much rather foster a long and understanding relatonship with you. like you said. pretty much everything is better than McHews."

((He actually offered 20K, with 10K upfront.))
« Last Edit: March 07, 2006, 12:17:24 PM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #46 on: March 07, 2006, 12:16:40 PM »

He pauses, considering your counter-offer. "I was offering 10K upfront, but we can push that to 15K, and increase the total amount to fourty thousand, sure."

He pauses to take another drag of his cigarette, clearly annoyed that the drugged man is coming back to this one point. "We recruited all of you because we have something to hold over your heads. For Miss Starhiker and Mr. Lovelace, that's a criminal SIN. For you, who did wetwork for the UCAS without batting an eye, we can hold the fact that they would very much like to catch up with you and do bad things to you. That's why we recruited you. Me myself, I prefer not to work with ex-UCAS. They're a little too full of themselves, and they swagger a lot, like you're doing, or like you pulling guns on the men I sent to invite you."

He takes a last drag of the cigarette and snubs it out in an ashtray on the table. "I want to make it clear to you that you are going to do this job, or bad things are going to happen to you. I'm willing to offer you payment because that increases the chance that you'll be successful, which means a much larger profit on my end. The reason I haven't gone into specifics yet is because you have not agreed to the job- rather, you seek to barter and assume that you can walk away from this." His hands twitch, and he almost reaches for the cigarettes again, but folds his hands in his lap. He takes a second to compose himself, and then continues, "But Mr. Lovelace does bring up a valid point, that threatening you would make things... sloppy. So I'll be willing to give you the original of the tape of the crime scene and drop the threats if you'll be willing to participate. Understand that if you cross me, I won't be afraid to use everything that I have at my disposal to hurt each of you."

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Re:The January Run
« Reply #47 on: March 07, 2006, 12:58:39 PM »

(by the way UCAS is not mad at me it the yakuza hunting me only person from UCAS that might be mad at me is my old handler but he is on the run from UCAS.  The only reason i am hiding is to keep distance between me and my mentor that way he can move more freely without worrying about exposing me)


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #48 on: March 07, 2006, 02:00:05 PM »

*shrug* "Really, you can keep the tape. we already have a copy, and getting yours wouldn't make that big of a deal. nice of you to offer though. I already said I'm in, but I'll say it again for fun-ness' sake. I'm in. the price is agreeable to me, I'm up to the task of the job at hand and..." Raymond Smiles "I heard something about free T-shirts, and that always holds a warm place in my heart. "
Raymond pauses for a second, in thought before contuniong.
"Actually, if any of the other members of the party aren't interested in the work, I'd be happy to take their share and recruit my own team. I got nothing aghinst anyone here, but I'd rather that all people involved were looking forward to the work, as opposed to looking for a way to turn tail and run. "

with that, I'll look at the other runners waiting to see if anyone really wants to back out, or if they'll try to up their individual shares before agreeing to do the work.
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #49 on: March 07, 2006, 02:45:42 PM »

I glance at Raymond, running a hand through my hair.  If I were to get arrested for a Stuffer Shack fight, forget the criminal SIN, my sister would never let me live it down.

40k, split three ways, makes just over 13k each.  Extra if we can bring this January guy in.  I consider trying to up the payment, but that really isn't too bad of a haul.  I don't know what Raymond's obsession with T-shirts is, though, and I'm not going to ask.

"I never said I wasn't going to do it." I grin, looking forward to a new challenge, "I'm in.  What was the bonus if we bring this January guy in alive, again?"


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #50 on: March 07, 2006, 03:18:42 PM »

"Well I am in just because it beats being bored all day.  Sounds like fun though I generally as you said do wetwork.  Should be interesting to just interact with an individual not just eliminate him.


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #51 on: March 07, 2006, 03:39:37 PM »

"So, the price is acceptable, everyone likes the work. let's get down to the nitty-gritty. I wear a size M T-shirt. are you going to provide a drop-phone for us, or is there a number to reach you at? where is this guy, and what's he working on?"
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #52 on: March 08, 2006, 10:06:57 PM »


With a smile, he lights up another cigarette, and then gets down to the details.
"Dr. January is working out of a low-security facility right here in Seattle for a company called 'Nutritex Wholesome Meal'. I'll give you some information in a file, but I'll leave you to track down the particulars. He's been working on a mycoprotein-based food supplement. It'll look better, taste better, and be cheaper than any soy or krill products in the market now. We want him to come work for us."

He takes a drag on the cigarette and pulls a PDA out of his suitcoat pocket. "This has pictures of Dr. January, as well as the location of his offices, and the location of the terminal in his office. He also has a safe in his office, with additional notes in there." He turns on the PDA, quickly typing a number into it, "This is the number you can contact me at when the job is finished. Not when you're on your way back to your dosses and you decide you have a question for me, or any other time. When the job is finished."

He wipes the PDA clean with a hankerchief from his pocket, sets it on the table, and stands, stuffing the hankerchief into his pocket before taking the cigarettes from his lips. "If you decide you want to go for the extra money, you'll have to find the information about January on your own. And remember, we want those notes intact. If they're damaged at all, we're going to want a refund of the up-front money we gave you. You know the drill."

He pulls a handful of generic black certified credsticks out of his pocket and tosses three of them onto the table surface. You wonder why he didn't wipe them for prints as well, but then you notice that these are the new ones you heard about, that are fingerprint-resistant. He turns, still smoking his cigarette, and leaves toward the kitchen, pulling an earbud cell phone from his pocket and thumbing it into his ear.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2006, 10:11:13 PM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #53 on: March 08, 2006, 10:30:21 PM »

I pick up one of the credsticks and glance at the two men it looks like I'll be running with for the time being, "So, either of you ever heard of this Nutritex?  I've never really looked at the company labels on my food."


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #54 on: March 08, 2006, 10:47:26 PM »

"No but something still doesn't sound right here." Leaning forward slipping on my combat gloves I pick up the credstick in one hand and with the other one of the cigarettes and wrap it in a napkin handing it to the other guy.  "Your more computer oriented than me this might help you out.  If this guy is working on such a important product or project I should say why place him in a low security facility."

Picking up the PDA with the notes about the doctor and his labs.  Skimming most of it looking at the security layout.  "I am no expert but if one of my people was coming up with a better bang for my buck I put that guy somewhere very hard to get to.  Irrelevant of whether or not my competition found out about it."

(Doing a skill check Seattle Safehouses: TN: 4 (guessing on this) 5,1,4 2 successes?)

Okay, you know of one or two places nearby that you guys would be able to stop and talk, but you're not sure if they would be occupied or not.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2006, 01:09:15 PM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #55 on: March 09, 2006, 08:10:34 AM »

"Yea, I know a guy in docwagon who can do a DNA search on this and let us know everything there is to know about our employer."

Raymond takes the butt, putting it into a storage case in his tool-pack for later.

"It'll cost about $5K tho. that's a third of our startup cash. you guys have any contacts you want to dump some legwork into? anyplace we should start looking? with $10 K we could probibly get security plans for our boy's house, or his work, but probibly not bouth if we need to get some specalty gear as well."
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #56 on: March 10, 2006, 08:12:31 AM »

Looking at everyone's non-talkative mood.

"Or, if you are of the 'old school of runners that don't like discussing details, I know a cool arcade not far from here that's got some seriously high caffeen soy latea's I bet ya'll would love!  "

Raymond picks up the tablet and copys the number into his cellphone. from there he starts to look over the paydata supplyed as they get ready to leave the club.

I'll stop at the counter and place a reservation for tonight. get our names on the guest list. under mr. J of course.
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #57 on: March 14, 2006, 11:29:09 PM »

I shrug and stand up.

"Wait, are you talking about the arcade across from the Shack?"


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #58 on: April 13, 2006, 04:38:10 PM »

"I like that place. they know me there."
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #59 on: April 14, 2006, 11:22:34 AM »

The no-neck chromed ork bouncer at the door writes you onto the guest list, with an annotation of 'J' by the side of it, and a small mark for "+1"

He then seems to be annoyed that you are discussing business directly in front of him, and says in a suprisingly quiet voice for an ork with that much cyber, "Please discuss the particulars outside."

He gives each of you the once-over, spending an extra second watching the now very sober UCAS agent who got roped into this.
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