I'll drag my hoop and broken arm back to my pad, and call Sam's doc contact- maybe we can get some medical attention.
Okay, you make it to your pad somehow. you've blocked out most of the process of getting there, but you are pretty sure it involved hijacking a city bus, or perhaps the wicked witch of the west coming to pick you up on her broomstick. the details are still a little fuzzy though.
Sam's Doc contact shows up at your place really really drunk. (like so drunk, you wonder if you would be better off operating on yourself) however, to his credit, he does seem to know what he's doing, and his med-kit is somewhat automated, and in the end, he gives you lots and lots of painkillers (aparently, according to him, it's good for what Ail's ya'... oh, also for some reason he keeps trying to sell you stim-patches that have 'mercy general hospice' stamped on the wrapper, and he constantly chews a cup of coffee.) (there's some sort of pills floating in the coffee like marshmellows in a cup of hot chocolate.) none of thease things make you feel better about him as a person, but when the morphine kicks in, you don't seem to mind so much, and at that point you are ready to name all your illegidamate children after him.
in the end, you have a mobil cast on your hand and arm. (there are pins sticking through your skin to various bones, connected to an external framework. it's quite gross looking, but you have use of your hand again. he said something about being able to take that off in four to six weeks, and you are down to three boxes of physical dammage (Light +2) and three boxes of Stun Dammage (Light +2). you also have a bottle of painkillers to take every four hours, or as needed (but if you sell them on the street, or use them too fast he said he's not going to give you more) and he took Sam to a place he knows where he can have his aura worked on. (aparently he's suffering from some magical-mo-jo, and needes a diffrent type of attention) That guy that was following you through the sewers is sleeping on your floor, while wearing some of your clothes when you wake up the next morning. oh, and your bathroom is covered, floor to cealing, in drek.